20 Pictures That’ll Make You Say 'You Can’t Park...
- Here are 20 carefully selected (mostly)...
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31 Disturbing Sights Seen from the Car Window
- The road can be a disturbing place.
Missed the Mark: 25 Lame Car Mods From Under-Qualified...
- If you're going to take a wrench to your four wheeled...
24 of Wildest Hunks-O-Junk to Come Through The...
- If you've been a car mechanic for a while, then you've...
Management Refuses to Pay for Repairs On Employee’s...
- When a company demands an employee use his personal...
Can't See Anything: 20 Lifted Truck Drivers Who May...
- Extreme lifted pickup trucks aren't just dangerous,...
17 Vintage Photos that Show New York & Chicago in the...
- Take a virtual tour of the past in this collection of...
26 Car Accessories that Scream "I'm a Terrible Person"
- A collection of things people put on their vehicles to...
Karen Gets Instant Karma after Prematurely Calling Tow...
- Karen gets hit with a heavy dose of well-deserved...
25 Mind-blowing Facts About JFK
- John F. Kenndy, Jr., changed our idea of what a...
Woman Gets Former Neighbor’s Car Towed After They...
- Don't mess with someone's parking space.
39 Epic Cars That May or May Not Get You Where You...
- I didn't get a brand new car on my 16th birthday like...
19 Wildly Popular Things Everyone Just Forgot About
- Popular things tend to stick around in our culture....
The 25 Biggest Bullets Anyone Has Ever Dodged
- "Dodged a bullet" is a phrase we use to describe...
25 Things That Can Instantly Ruin Your Day
- Are you having a good day or a bad day? Most of the...
25 Things That Cost More Than They Are Worth
- For the most part, we all have the same goal with our...
34 WTF Pics to Activate Your OCD
- They might also hunt You, but we can't guarantee it.
22 Unique Cars That Deserve a Round of Applause
- No, I promise you this isn't the 30th installment of...
Dude's Ad For Used Volvo Is Brutally Honest
- I'll bite, where do I pay?
Car Thieves Disassemble Mercedes In The Middle of the...
- They stole everything but the car.
Husband Follows GPS Instead of Listening to Wife,...
- Google doesn't always have the answers, and you better...
Customer Teaches Sleazy Mechanic a Hard Lesson by...
- He picked the wrong customer to fleece today!
Good Guy Mechanic Tells Lady the Real Value of Her Car
- If you ever find a good, honest mechanic like this...
Karen Keeps Coming For More Even After Dude She...
- After initially indulging her BS for a few, this guy...
Rude Rental Car Customer Goes From 100-0 After...
- I gotta give this guy some props. Sure, he came flying...
The Misadventures of A Woman Using an App Powered Car...
- She just wanted a drive, but the robot uprising had...
Entitled Karen Crashes Her Mercedes and Wants the...
- There's a reason why it's the law almost everywhere to...
22 Drivers Who Made Seriously Bad Decisions
- These guys have some 'splaining to do and insurance...
27 People Who Got Creative When Fixing Their Car
- They had a sense of humor with these car dents. Some...
21 Times Jimmy Carr Absolutely Nailed Dark Humor
- The sarcastic English comedian doing what he does best.
Badass Geologist Gets Revenge on Neighbors Who Blocked...
- If anyone knows what to do when stuck between a rock...
Car Buyer's Mom Doesn't Understand How to Buy a Car...
- Son tries to get seller to make it cost less in taxers...
Jerk Begs for Fancy Tesla for His Wedding Then...
- Dude posts on facebook about needing a car for his...
Idiot Offers 9K for a $15,000 Dollar Car and Gets...
- Making demands and unreasonable requests is the...
This Craigslist Ad For A Toyota Avalon Doesn't Care...
- I wasn't even in the market to buy a car before I read...
23 People That You Would Be Pissed To Be Driving Behind
- Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
33 Times People Bit off a Bit More Than They Could Chew
- The most beautiful, most blissful, most boneheaded...
Little Girl Snitches on Dad After Finding a "Bra" in...
- A moment of sheer terror when his daughter ratted him...
51 Awesome Images That Will Light Up Your Life
- No theme, no context, just visually stimulating...
eBaum's Picks