47 Examples of Entropy That Shows Nothing Lasts Forever
- Entropy will be the death of all things.
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Time Changes Everything: 30 Items That Were Once New...
- Entropy will be the end of us all.
40 Things Being Worn Down By the Power of Time
- From the wear and tear of things being touched and...
33 Things Forever Changed By the Power of Father Time
- The unstoppable force known as the passage of time...
30 Worn Down Items That Show the Power of Time
- Everything ultimately loses the battle against time.
Entropy in Action: 39 Everyday Objects Worn Down By...
- Time is the ruler of all things and no matter what you...
24 Fascinating Facts about 'Breaking Bad' That The DEA...
- TV snobs rarely agree on ANYTHING. But one thing...
40 Things Showcasing the Power of Father Time
- Things worn down by time.
Literally the Worst: 24 Women Share the Things Men Do...
- It's an open secret that men often get on women's...
24 Depressing Memes For Depressed People
- Memes for when you just can't anymore
25 Traumatizing Films That Really Messed Us Up
- Normally, we watch movies to be entertained. But what...
25 Strange Reasons People Have Been Thrown Out of a...
- Chances are you have been kicked out of a business...
22 Things That Parents Do That Cause More Harm Than...
- It seems there are new parenting trends every day. And...
34 Things That Felt The Effects of Father Time
- Nothing escapes time.
30 People Who Shut Down Online Scammers
- They had fun at their expense.
18 Examples of the Unstoppable Power of Time
- Entropy is the master of all things, and its friend...
35 Memes About Depression for Depressed People ONLY
- Feeling down? Try a little bit of meme therapy. Sit...
24 Comebacks That Smacked People Down
- They weren't ready for these replies.
25 Comebacks That Smacked People Down
- Some people just got put in their place.
Guy Complaining That 'Miss Scotland' Is Too White,...
- A Twitter user who complained about the lack of...
"Influencer" Looking for a Freebie Gets Shut Down, and...
- She expected nearly $1500 worth of free services, but...
25 Savage Comebacks That Shut People Down
- These people got handed a warm glass of whoop-a**.
24 Savage Comebacks That Smacked People Down
- They weren't prepared for these.
29 Clever Clapbacks That Laid The Smack Down
- The internet is cruel, but hilarious.
44 Things Worn Down Over Time
- Nothing lasts forever. These objects show the passing...
35 Times Sh** Hit the Fan
- Things went wrong for these folks.
A Message From A Vaccine Victim Telling People to Get...
- Tiffany wanted to share her story about having her...
32 Roasts That Obliterated Chumps
- They asked to be roasted and got brought down multiple...
Nurse Shuts Down Anti-Vaxxers with their Own Logic
- This mom and nurse is done coddling the anti-vaxxers.
49 Roasts That Hurt So Good
- An extra large dose of carnage.
16 Disturbing Facts That Will Creep You Out
- Be careful out there, living can be hazardous to your...
20 Disturbing Facts That Will Leave You Creeped Out
- A collection of facts you may be better off not...
11 Roasts That Took People Down
- there's no coming back from these
11 Funny Roasts That Took People Down a Notch
- That had to hurt.
22 Creepy Facts To Send Chills Down Your Spine
- Stuff you may not want to read before bed.
22 Disturbing Facts That Will Leave You Creeped Out
- A variety of interesting yet unsettling things for you...
12 Roasts That Straight Up Hurt People
- Ask and ye shall receive.
Journalist Gets Exposed For Being A Manipulative Fraud...
- This is how "journalists" get their scoops, shameful.
22 Creepy Facts To Send A Chill Down Your Spine
- Weird and creepy facts that are seldom discussed.
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