17 Deep Puddles That Made Life Miserable
- Times when people misjudged puddles, and paid the...
Media galleries
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Kids Acting Like The Definition of Insanity
- You don't call them little devils for no reason.
18 Pictures of Kids Acting Evil
- Sometimes kids take things to an scary level.
23 Teachers Come Clean About What Actually Happens in...
- As a kid you always wondered why you weren't allowed...
Mothers vs. Fathers: Taking Care Of Kids
- 10 differences between how moms and dads do it.
The History of America Explained by a 5yo
- If you want to learn about the history of America...
23 Kids Who Discovered Boobs
- Caught you staring, little guy!
18 Times Puberty Got Crazy
- The epic effects of puberty.
22 People Living The Dream
- The world can be a glorious place!
34 Times Kids Were Unintentionally Hilarious
- These kids are hilarious without even trying to be...
17 Reasons To Stay A Kid Forever
- Growing up might not be all it's cracked up to be...
16 Embarrassing Secrets Every 90s Kid Had!
- We all did these things, so just admit it!
17 Moments That Were Amazing As A Kid But Suck As An...
- Almost everything in life was so much better when you...
25 Sexual Innuendos That Went Over Your Head As A Kid
- Sneaky adult humor cleverly incorporated into...
20 Things That Are Surprisingly Super Metal
- Stuff so out-of-characteristically metal that it'll...
33 Things To Bring Out Your Inner Kid
- Cool stuff that will make you feel nostalgic about...
15 Celebrities When They Were Young
- These people sure did change a lot from their days on...
28 Images With Hilarious Captions
- An assortment of punny and entertaining comments.
Popular Memes Then and Now
- A collection of your favorite memes then and now!
25 Hilarious Panoramic Fails
- Some are funny. Others are your nightmares realized.
Celebrity Kids And Their Ridiculous Names
- Um... sure Frank, "Diva Muffin" is a great name... ...
30 Awesome GIFS
- Some funny gifs to get you through the day
The Biggest Douchebag on the Internet
- Young, rich, and loves to rub it in your face,...
Kids Getting Owned In Gif Format
- Growing up can be hard and painful!
- Pixar artist Josh Cooley creates movie stills like a...
40 Music Stars Before They Were Famous
- A look at some musicians in a time before they got...
21 "Father Of The Year" Fails
- These guys just aren't cut out for the "dad life".
Things To Remind You Of The Old Days
- Take a step back in time with some familiar items...
The Best of Internet Memes
Games I Played as a Kid
- The greatest collection of board games from the 80s...
LOL Television Gif Quiff
- "In this gallery someone's gonna get burned!"
22 Things That Show What Life Was Like Growing Up In...
- Those were the days.
Why the F do you have a Kid? Part 2
- Continuing on where I left off.
Why The F Do You Have a Kid?
- some of the funniest and most disturbing answers to...
Kid are all the same
- Crazy kids!
eBaum's Picks