47 Fresh Memes to Salute the Dads
- Today is the day when we celebrate the Dads in our...
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20 Soul-Crushing Photos of Guys Who Went Shopping With...
- And this was before they saw the bill.
20 'Florida Man' News Stories From The Land of the...
- Not only do we get to kickoff a new year, but January...
JFK Assassination Theories: Breaking Down the Six Big...
- These days, it seems like most conspiracy theories are...
25 Thor Facts Disney Doesn’t Want You to Know
- The latest Thor movie has been out for a bit now. And...
25 Movies That Just Couldn’t Get Made Anymore
- These movies just do not age well.
25 Pokemon Facts to Help You Catch Them All
- Pokemon facts to catch and help you evolve your...
Scary Things Kids Have Said Proving They’re Absolute...
- The saying is "kids say the darnedest things." Most of...
25 Facts You Didn’t Know About Stan Lee
- Stan Lee's presence is still all around us. Here are...
Wild Facts We Never Knew about Batman’s Publication...
- Many were surprised at just how dark and weird 'The...
25 Girl Facts from Guys Who’ve Been in a...
- Knowing your partner is an extremely critical step in...
'It Ain't Much, But It's Honest Work' - 25 Universal...
- The important things you have to do to be a real man
21 Charts to Help the Most Clueless of Gentlemen
- Let's put all of our cards on the table, I have no...
25 Insane Bible Stories That Read Like Real Florida...
- Normally, we think of the Bible as a book filled with...
25 Things America Has That the Rest of the World Envies
- It's very common for the rest of the world to hate on...
18 Random AF Pics and Memes to Catapult Us through the...
- Random? Yes. Time-wasting? You bet. Cheers to the end...
29 Far Out, Odd, and Interesting Houses That People...
- These dream houses literally would show up in your...
10 Beloved Characters Who Are Actually Huge Losers
- Many video game heroes have become cultural icons....
Video Game Powerups Likeliest To Shrink Your Stones
- Video game power-ups are like steroids for digital...
Ten Video Game Reboots That Give Us Bad Vibes
- Video games will often undergo the reboot process. A...
Avengers Disassembled: 10 Things That Went Wrong With...
- On paper, the Avengers game from Square Enix should...
Florida Man Finds His Soulmate in "Ohio Woman"
- The path of the Florida Man was a lonely one. Until...
30 Funny Memes Strictly for the Boys (and You Too)
- You might be able to relate.
The 15 Most Iconic Kills and Deaths in Video Game...
- Video games are known for coming up with new and...
30 Insane Headlines That Could Only Be From Florida
- There must be something in the water.
Dumb Jokes That Are Just For The Dads
- Don’t think touch the thermostat
17 People Share The Cringiest, Most Nightmare Dates...
- Whether you're a guy or a girl, dating these days is...
First Richard Rose Mocked COVID-19, Then He Got It and...
- Richard Rose, of Port Clinton Ohio, passed away on...
Rude Customer Insists on Speaking to a Man, Gets His...
- You'd think in 2020 we'd be past this kinda stupidity...
Woke Woman Trolled for Trying to Defund Dumb, Buff...
- A himbo is just a male bimbo.
Karen Gets Trolled by Gentle Giant at Grocery Store
- Hey, Karen here's a quick life tip: not all strangers...
Nurse Tries to Cheer up Patients in Her Underwear and...
- This is why we can't have nice things.
20 Infuriating and Untrue Things People Say About Men
- We only have one thing on our minds- and that's how...
WTF Things Done by Florida Man and Woman
- Whenever news headlines get too dull, you can be sure...
Clueless Woman Actually Sent Insurance Man Pictures Of...
- Girl misunderstood insurance guy’s request for...
Woman Tries To Shame Man For Proposing In A KFC And It...
- Some big brands are now offering to pay for their...
'80s Guy' Becomes A Local Hero For His Unique Love of...
- 80s guy is the hero we don't know if we needed and we...
30-Year-Old Loser Has Crazy Demands After Getting...
- This guy is the most choosy beggar.
Douche Says Women Should Enjoy Being Sexually Harassed
- Hide yo girl Mister Muscles is out on the prowl!
How To Talk To Women Wearing Headphones
- Uh, what kind of person does this article appeal too?...
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