22 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- It went right over their heads.
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Literally the Worst: 24 Women Share the Things Men Do...
- It's an open secret that men often get on women's...
25 Pieces of ‘Life Advice’ That Are Total Bullsh*t
- We keep getting life advice everywhere we go. From our...
25 Terrifying Things Ex-cons Saw in Prison
- Fortunately, most of us have never been to prison. But...
25 Tips, Tricks, and Street Smarts That Everyone...
- Some advice for staying safe on the streets
24 Video Game Hills We’re Ready To Die On
- We spend a lot of time dying in video games. But what...
25 Surprisingly Dark Villains From Kids Shows and...
- In TV shows and movies made for kids, most characters...
Heidi Klum is the Queen of Halloween, 20 Years of Epic...
- The German Super Model is known for throwing lavish...
28 Painfully Relatable Memes For People Over 30
- Getting old is no fun, so have a laugh, but not too...
36 Things That Have Drastically Changed Over The Past...
- As we approach the end of a decade, let us take a...
Anti-Vaxxer Mom Rants About Back To School Vaccines On...
- Stupid anit-vaxxer mom gets upset about a Facebook...
44 Things Worn Down Over Time
- Nothing lasts forever. These objects show the passing...
21 Things That Drive Us Crazy
- These will have the anger flowing through you.
20 Pics That Show Actors Aging Over The Years
- 20 celebs who we can see aging over the past decades....
Guy Destroys This Pizza Hut Over Wrong Number
- This is a hilarious story about getting revenge on a...
33 Things That Changed Over Time
- Gadgets, waistlines, beauty, patina, and other changes...
46 Awesome Pics That Will Make Your Hump Day Complete
- A collection of funny, random and WTF images to get...
The Most Epic Work Revenge Story You'll Ever Read
- “You want to mess with my career and my freedom?...
33 Images From The First Australian Antarctica...
- Amazing images from Antarctica that were taken over...
22 Times People Called 911 Over Food
- idiots who think the police should get involved when...
19 Tricks and Scams Companies Pull To Screw You Over
- Slick tricks to watch out for.
Woman Has A Melt Down On Tinder And Gets Trolled In...
- This woman went crazy on this guy after he swiped...
Grim Facts About Death That Will Satisfy Your Morbid...
- Facts about "the end" that will make you think.
Teen Who Lost Her Memory After Seizure Falls In Love...
- A touching story of how love finds a way.
26 Funny Memes From All Over The Internet
- When life has you down find a meme and share it with a...
British Airways Pilot Suspended Over Explicit Cockpit...
- Captain Colin Glover, 51, was removed from flying...
The Walking Dead Seventh Season Premiered Last Night...
- **WARNING : SPOILERS AHEAD!** Last night Season 7 of...
#TBT: 90s Television Edition
- The 90s in America was a weird time. Right before the...
BBC Accidentally Broadcasts Aziz Ansari Subtitles Over...
- Someone's fired.
24 People Who Got Dumped On Facebook
- Some of the most brutal and funniest breakups made...
14 Facebook Relationship Status Updates That Didn't Go...
- The Facebook "relationship status" function should be...
9 Celebrities Who F*cked Up Big Time
- Celebrities that screwed up and fell from grace in...
Katy Perry Gets A Photoshop Makeover
- Katy Perry gets the internet treatment!
28 Pics Proving We Live in a Strange World
- Weird and strange pictures for you to ponder over.
20 People Whose Love Of Food Got Them Into Trouble
- Sh*t hits the fan when people got emotional over food.
Drunk Guy Responds To Cheating Ex GF
- She wanted to work things out, but this probably isn't...
Shocking Ways Dogs Have Evolved Over The Last 100 Years
- The difference a century of breeding can make is...
Hump Day Pic Dump
- A mix of funny, wtf, and fails to get you through the...
21 Questionable Reasons Why People Dumped Their Ex
- Sometimes there is just that one thing that you can't...
12 Facts About The Rock You May Not Know
- Here are some things you will be surprised to know...
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