30 People Who Got a 1st Class Ticket for the Fail Boat
- These folks aren't having the best day. Some of it was...
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26 Tips to Help You Through Dangerous Situations
- Some street smart tips. Stay safe out there!
22 People Going Through Tough S**t
- They say you can't win every time, but these people...
38 Close Calls, Lucky Breaks, and Facepalm Worthy Fails
- Unfortunate souls who got a dose of misfortune that...
34 Construction Fails That Didn't Pass Inspection
- Check out these WTF construction fails that left us...
27 People Who Got a Big F**k You From the Universe
- Twenty seven people who are probably not enjoying...
OSHA's Worst Nightmare: 29 on the Job Fails That Are...
- The job site can be a dangerous place all in its...
24 Wacky Things Spotted on Google Street View
- The craziest happenings from Google Earth
Whoops Wednesday: 21 People Who Fell Victim to Bad Luck
- We all have had bad days at one point or another in...
33 Unsafe Situations Where Safety Was an Afterthought
- "Safety? Haven't heard of it."
OSHA's Worst Nightmare: 24 Shoddy Construction Job...
- They say our flaws are what makes us beautiful, if...
24 Things That Make Living In America Great
- America is often the world's punching bag thanks to...
32 Street Smart Tips That Could Help You Out
- These could potentially save your valuables or even...
26 Times People Made an Unexpected Discovery
- You know the saying "lost never to be found again,"...
27 People Who Really Have No Business Working in...
- Unsafe, unprofessional and unbelievable -...
20 Unfortunate Souls Who Got a Dose of Dismay From the...
- Unfortunately all the good luck these folks may have...
23 Times Where Safety Wasn't First and No One Waited...
- OSHA? More like "Oh hell naw!
18 People Who Are Cursed by the Universe
- Sometimes it's hard to tell if the universe hates you...
21 FML Pics of People Who Should Just Start the Day...
- The universe gave them a sign. And that sign was 'f***...
16 Construction Fails to Build Up Our Self-Esteem
- Not only did you have one job, but that job was to fix...
19 Safety Fails to Avoid at All Costs
- Clearly, the safety inspector got lost on his way to...
44 Times Safety Wasn't Even Considered, Let Alone First
- These people have clearly all failed/forgotten any...
30 Street Smarts Every Traveler Should Know
- Advice to help you stay safe in new places.
61 Unlucky Folks Who Got Unfairly Singled Out by the...
- While we don't know if these people are actually good...
19 People Who Never Heard of 'Safety First'
- Judging by the looks of it, they've never even thought...
19 People Who Don't Understand Safety Regulations
- Safety first? What's that?
23 People Who Didn't Read the Safety Manual
- Safety first? Not in our house!
34 Foo Fighters Memes Keeping Us Safe From the Foo
- It's times like these you learn to meme again.
16 Pics Of People Who've Never Even Heard of OSHA
- For these reckless dare devils, "safe" is a...
16 Actors Who Put Themselves In Real Danger For Their...
- Sometimes they got injured or almost died.
Couple Discovers An Old Safe While Renovating Their...
- Filled with some $25,000 worth of cash and jewellery.
17 Savage Pics That Will Send You To Your Safe Space
- Society is getting dumber by the day and this piece...
Guy Finds Walt Disney Stock In His Great Uncle's Old...
- They say better safe than sorry and this guy is far...
1940s German Safe Is A Time Capsule To A Disturbing...
- The things they keep from back then, tells more than...
Man Finds Hidden Safe In His Grandparents' House
- Looks like they left their grandson even more than a...
15 Crazy and Amazing Finds People Discovered In Their...
- Maybe it's time you explored that basement a little...
Young Couple Makes Incredible Discovery
- Eddie and Angie made an amazing discovery while...
Awesome Stash In Grandma's Old Safe
- Guy finds a 2000lb safe that contains some sweet...
Not-So-Amazing Discovery Inside Safe
- Opening a safe left behind by a previous landlord or...
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