25 Reactions to a Navy Ship Firing an Freaking Laser...
- Captain Phillips 2 will be absolutely insane.
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Flames Rage on as Unfortunate Floater Catches Fire Out...
- Reason 69,420 why we'll never go on a cruise ship.
Quality Not Quantity: 22 Things Where Bigger Isn’t...
- Normally, we think "bigger is better." After all, who...
A Glimpse Inside The Largest Cruise Ship Ever Built
- After a build time of 32 months, Harmony of the Seas...
Mummified Sailor Found on Abandoned Yacht
- 59-year-old Manfred Fritz Bajorat was discovered by...
26 Things That Look Cool Cut In Half
- Giving you an inside view of miscellaneous everyday...
10 Unsettling Claims by UFO Whistleblowers
- Claims made by high clearance, government-employed...
18 Aliens Captured on Photos and Film
- Could these all be fake? Or is one or two the real...
19 Situations That Prove There Are No Coincidences
- Strange and staggering, coinciding events that...
20 Utterly Oddly Satisfying Pictures
- It's hard to describe why, but these pictures really...
The Most Insane Piece Of Machinery Ever
- The Blue Marlin is a semi-submerging vessel capable of...
Worlds Largest Cruise Ship
- Biggest Cruise Ship in the world... Wow..
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