Who Greenlit This? - 24 Discontinued Products That...
- Products get discontinued every day. Usually, it's...
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Karen Asks to Speak to Manager, Gets Answered by...
- What is it with all these Karens and wanting to speak...
Abusive Ex-Boyfriend's Dreams of Being a Marine are...
- The genius asked his ex girlfriend whom he had abused...
23 Completely Random Facts and Trivia to Make Your...
- Sit back and learn something new.
A Previously Racist Man Shares How The Military...
- Words of wisdom we could all benefit from listening to.
Weird And Awesome Images To Get You Through Your Day
- A healthy dose of random greatness to take your mind...
The Hottest Babe In The Israeli Army
- She's bringing the heat, in more ways than one.
25 Hilarious "Dammit, Carl!" Memes
- Why do you have to be in our unit, Carl?
19 Fascinating Photos From Our History
- Incredible photos of people and things from the olden...
23 Historical Fascinating Facts
- Imagine all the cool facts about the world today, then...
A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Not Far Away
- 26 images of Star Wars if it happened here in the...
When A Soldier Comes Home
- Things are a bit different, after war.
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