28 Idiotic Things People Did For 'Love'
- People have done some seriously dumb things for love.
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27 People Share Their Most Regrettable Texts
- They need to have their phones confiscated.
6 Infographics That Show Which Types of Gamers Are the...
- These results are rather discouraging.
6 Infographics That Show Which Types of Gamers Are the...
- These results are rather discouraging.
35 Memes Ready for You
- Just ready for you.
37 Random Memes That Are Super Fresh
- Random random random...
42 Random Funnies for the Smooth Brain Hour
- Have fun with these pics or else...something something.
25 Pics Filled To the Brim With Dumb
- A batch of dumb served right at ya.
26 Punny Jokes Even You Could Understand
- Think hard, but not too hard.
32 Pics That Technically Aren't Wrong
- These are right in their own way.
30 'Nice Guys' Who Are Actually Real Jerks
- They mistake being spineless and pathetic for being...
27 Culinary Atrocities That Are Crimes Against Food
- These are all travesties.
29 of The Absolute Worst Life Hacks People Shared
- Never do this stuff.
18 People Full of BS Getting Called Out Online
- They sit on a throne of lies.
29 Real Geniuses Showing off Their Stupidity
- People who are just that dumb.
25 Ridiculous Reasons People Took Offense to Something
- This is what happens when common sense ain't that...
24 Pics Packed to the Brim With Dumb
- Stuff to make you facepalm.
Dude Steals $400 in Gas, Gets Caught After Trying It...
- What was he thinking?
27 People Who Crashed into Life Going 60 MPH
- Reality is often disappointing.
Karen Demands Mac 'n' Cheese From Wendy's Menu Photo,...
- She came to a Wendy’s drive-through, demanded mac...
30 Shining Examples of Extreme Stupidity
- We are drowning in a sea of morons.
Hilarious Pics Filled to the Brim With Dumb
- Some people need more help than they can get, and...
24 Bad Jokes People Walked Right Into
- These went right over their heads.
27 People Too Smart for the English Language
- Poetry is all around us.
25 Pics Filled to the Brim with Dumb
- Stuff to make you facepalm.
23 Careless Plot Holes That Almost Ruined Movies
- The quickest way to ruin a perfectly good movie.
Vegan Tries to Argue Against Honey by Claiming It's...
- It's hard to believe people this stupid exist, but...
Guy Gets Owned for Sending Photo of His Tiny Weiner
- The Dick Pic police are coming for you.
24 Entitled People Being the Absolute Worst
- Beggars who think they deserve more.
20 Shower Thoughts That Are Deeply Weird and Weirdly...
- Let's get weird with it.
25 People Getting Dumber by the Minute
- Stuff to make you facepalm.
26 Funny Wrong Number Text Fails
- Some of the most unexpected wrong number messages.
U.S. Gov't Is Scamming People with Confiscated Fyre...
- Get scammed all over again.
21 People Who Are Terminally Dumb
- Stupid is as stupid does.
32 People Who Never Learned How to Spell
- English...can you speak it?
25 Pics Filled with Dumb
- The stupidity is strong with these.
Tumblr User Thinks Fish Aren't Animals, Refuses to...
- The ignorance is off the charts with this one.
20 Shower Thoughts to Ponder at Your Leisure
- Just some stuff for naked philosophers.
Dude Describes the Dumbest Intern He's Ever Met
- Good help really is hard to find!
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