21 People So Stupid, It Actually Hurts Your Soul
- Not everyone is cut out to be a thinker.
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42 Pics So Random You'll Swear It Was A Mistake
- I had a dream that I opened a bar.
The Foolproof Way To Avoid Getting Arrested
- There is no flaw in this logic. Checkmate law...
23 Images That Are The Epitome Of Cringe
- Get ready for your fresh dose of awkwardness.
The Sickening Level of Stupid You Only See on Social...
- Gawd they need help!
23 People Sure To Receive A Darwin Award
- Shining examples of human stupidity brought to you in...
Puns That Will Make You Facepalm So Hard
- Aren't they so punny?
32 Outstanding Randoms From The Bowels of The Internet
- Some funny, some crazy, some cool.
Rolling In D'oh!
- Unfortunate or stupid, you decide.
29 Images That Are The Epitome Of WTF
- Proof that we live in a very strange world.
23 of the Dumbest Facebook Posts Ever Shared
- The stupidest people on the internet.
31 Simple Yet Infuriating Things
- Things that make you rage inside.
29 Pictures Of The Worst Tattoos Ever
- Well, at least we'll be able to spot the stupid people...
24 Facebook Fails That Prove You Can't Fix Stupid
- Dumb people saying dumb things on the internet.
The Dumb Is Strong With These People
- There are idiots among us.
21 Pets Shamed by Their Owners
- It would have made more sense if they could read...
11 People Getting Called On Their Bullsh*t
- Attempts at scoring fake points and straight out lies...
31 Infuriating Things That Will Drive You Nuts
- Things that make you rage inside.
36 People The Cringe Is Strong With
- Somehow... now I feel better about myself.
30 Ideas That Are Either Genius or Stupid
- Or maybe a bit of both.
27 People Who Will Make You Lose Faith in Humanity
- Sometimes stupidity goes on a whole new level.
35 Simple Yet Infuriating Things
- Stuff that makes even the calmest of people explode...
24 People Who Need To Just Quit
- Sometimes you wonder "what were they thinking" until...
23 People Who Might Make You Lose Faith In Humanity
- When stupidity got taken to cringe-worthy levels.
35 Proofs There Is No Shortage Of Stupid In The World
- Let's make it better... it all starts with you!
27 Infuriating Things In Our World
- Stuff that makes even the calmest of people explode...
22 Black Friday Images That Will Destroy Your Faith In...
- Witness the insanity that is Black Friday.
15 Hilarious Memes That Sum Up Girlfriends
- Sometimes I thank God I'm single.
22 Pics Showing Why Women Live Longer Than Men
- Just men being men.
19 Little Lies In Life That Society Tells Us
- That bullshit in life we have to deal with on a daily...
25 Examples of People Being Terrible Parents
- An illustrated guide on how not to raise a child.
21 Facebook Fails To Make Your Toes Curl
- Funny Facebook fails that you need to see to believe.
Girls On Social Media That Are Fake As Hell
- Did they really expect people to fall for this?
29 Simple Yet Infuriating Things
- Stuff that makes even the calmest of people explode...
5 of The Most Scandalous Tweets That Got People Fired
- People proving that some things are best kept to...
34 Simple Yet Infuriating Things
- Stuff that makes even the calmest of people explode...
19 Pictures Full of NOPE
- Pics that will make you cringe.
19 Examples of Woman Logic
- Get a little better understanding of life's great...
29 Photos That Are The Epitome Of Cringeworthy
- You won't believe what some people say without feeling...
28 Stupid People Doing Stupid Things
- These folks don't worry about things like safety and...
eBaum's Picks