Hired Security Guards With Guns?
- Armed Guards hired by the city to "patrol"...
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Seems Legit...
- 30 situations where something seems just a little...
Friday Morning Nostalgia Gallery
- 31 things I miss from childhood!
Mind-Blowing Juggling Act At Talent Show
- A team from Tokyo Japan, called the pastels pull of an...
GTA 5: 41 Tiny Mind-Blowing Things
- Attention to detail makes San Andreas such an...
The Brighter Side Of Life
- 27 random acts of kindness to help restore your faith...
The Most Haunted Places In America
- Warning: You will get creeped out.
Simpsons Intro By Ren & Stimpy Creator
- John Kricfalusi puts his own twist on the Simpsons...
NastyCobra's Dumping Grounds
- Get your Thursday moving with a fresh round of funny,...
Late Night Gif Dump
- Winding down the evening with an assortment of...
Do It For The Vine (The Movie)
- What would you do to get 1 Million Revines?
Awkward Family Photos: Halloween Edition
- Nothing like a collection of cringe-worthy family...
Company Logos: Then And Now
- See how 20 well known company logos have evolved.
Interesting Asian Concept Dance
- The "Quick Crew" preforms a uniquely cool dance...
Facebook Wins And Fails
- 34 More of the wins and fails you love and love to...
38 Funny Tweets
- A collection of great Tweets.
Realistic Looking Bag Of Chips Drawing
- A cool time-lapse drawing of an empty bag of potato...
Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise
- What if telekinesis was real? Check out these...
Relatable Porn Issues
- Funny porn related issues that many people out there...
Facts You Didn't Know About Your Dreams
- What really happens when you're dreaming?
Cinemagraphs: Living Photos
- A gallery of 32 awesome moving pictures.
Awesome Bucket Drums Performance
- This talented guy makes a living playing only once a...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with some randomness!
21 More Celebrities With Porn Lookalikes
- Another part of the series of amazing adult industry...
A-Capella Overworld Theme: Super Mario
- Smooth McGroove's original a-cappella arrangement of...
Experts Claim They Have Proof Of Bigfoot
- A group of researchers claim they have DNA and other...
Sister Gets Busted
- Big sister meets someone off Myspace and gets caught.
Another Trip Down Memory Lane
- A dose of nostalgia with some awesome things from...
Really Bad Product Placement
- The most shameless product placement advertisements in...
Truth About History: Fireworks
- Long ago, Bruce Yang had a bright idea that would...
Hidden Meanings In Ghostbusters Movie
- A documentary explores hidden meanings in this 1980's...
Everything Bad That Happened To Jesse
- A compilation of the bad stuff that's happened to the...
Now That's Art!
- A collection of some unique and cool street art.
Joerg Sprave Owns Himself - Aftermath
- The aftermath and making of the ricochet fail video.
Batman's Tumbler - Jay Leno's Garage
- Jay Leno gives us an in-depth look at Batman's Tumbler.
Gamer's Illustrated
- A fresh batch of pics and GIFs any gamer will surely...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh round of randomness!
British Ninja Turtles
- The classic Ninja Turtles movie gets a hilarious...
Dumb Ways to Die in GTA V
- A catchy song on dumb ways to die in GTA V!
The Reaction GIFs
- The Reaction GIFs Come Bearing Gifts!
eBaum's Picks