25 Things That Showcase What Online Life Looked Like...
- These days, everyone takes the internet for granted....
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Legendary Sniper Shoots Gun Out of Suicidal Man's Hand
- Back in 1993, swat sniper and Vietnam veteran Mike...
Crow's Incredible Aim to Protect Her Fallen Chick
- A woman in San Clemente saw a baby crow fall from a...
30 Of The Best Responses The Internet Could Muster
- Sometimes when you make a comment online people are...
Oblivious Woman Fires Gun Without Even Aiming
- Don't give this woman a gun.
The Highest Basketball Shot Ever
- These guys score from 105 meters (345 feet).
Elephant Has Perfect Aim
- Hit him with a spitball.
86 Year Old Veteran Sniper Still Has Perfect Aim
- Recently awarded the Black Hat, this veteran backs it...
Soccer Reporter Headshot
- Nice aim, alles klar?
Idiot Throws Tomatoes at Sarah Palin, Hits Cop
- This idiot tried to throw two tomatoes at Sarah Palin...
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