21 Examples of American Ingenuity At Its Finest
- No one does it like the U.S. of A.
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50 Very American Statues and Monuments
- If you can think of it, odds are someone in the...
American Woman Retrofits Her German Apartment With Not...
- Potentially one of the biggest cultural differences...
American Tourist Called Out for Her Abhorrent Behavior...
- Japan is the place that foreigners go to be extremely...
The American Arrested for Partaking in Congo Coup...
- Earlier this week, three Americans were apprehended...
Rescue Efforts Underway to Save American Trapped In...
- Though 40-year-old Dickey began suffering...
Things In American Neighborhoods That Don’t Make...
- The cultural divide between Americans and Brits...
American Fugitive Who Faked His Own Death and Fled to...
- Alahverdian, who now goes by the name Arthur Knight,...
America's WWII Inflatable Ghost Army Was the Best...
- Long before Wile E. Coyote began faceplanting into...
American Tourists in Italy Put on Blast For...
- British TikToker italianlife tells the story of two...
The Cash Me Outside Girl Finally Found the Courage to...
- Blackfishing at its finest. Bhad Bhabie AKA "Cash me...
Brothers Perfectly Capture the Dividing Lines of...
- One of them doesn't care about politics and just wants...
Congressional Baseball Game Anything but Friendly...
- The Democrats lost to the Republicans by a score of...
20 Wild Facts About Elvis Presley
- Elvis Aaron Presley was one of the most popular...
25 Messed Up Facts You Didn't Know About Mother Teresa
- Mother Teresa is usually invoked as the most...
25 Movies That Just Couldn’t Get Made Anymore
- These movies just do not age well.
Delightful Delicacies: 20 of the Best American Foods...
- These were the American foods people couldn't help but...
25 Facts That Completely Change How You View Winston...
- Winston Churchill is one of history's most famous...
20 Things the Rest of the World Isn’t Ready To Hear...
- We often hear about America from the rest of the...
British Memes and Pics Confirming What Americans...
- Thanks to No Context Brits on Twitter, we've collected...
24 Things That Make Living In America Great
- America is often the world's punching bag thanks to...
25 Movies Both Disturbing and Beautiful
- Sometimes, we watch beautiful movies that move us....
25 Insane Things You Never Knew About the Vietnam War
- The Vietnam War marks one of the darker chapters in...
Trump’s Tweets Were Tumultuous at Best, but Do We...
- On January 8, Twitter banned Donald Trump. They had...
25 Movies That Would Be Incredibly Awkward If You...
- We've all had that weird experience of watching a...
25 Things About America That Weird the World Out
- It's an open secret that America is the weird kid to...
25 Things the World Wished It Understood About America
- How does the rest of the world actually feel about...
26 Debunked History Facts We All Believed for a While
- Think you'd beat a Neanderthal at chess?
French Girl's Attempt to Imitate American Accent
- Accents are funny things.
28 Weird Things Non-Americans Think All Americans Do
- Things they just can't comprehend.
Land O'Lakes Butter Changed Their Mascot And People...
- Us butter buyers are more than welcome to take our...
American in China Gives Tour of Chinese Wet Markets...
- While standards between different wet markets can...
The Internet Is Torn Over This Man and Woman Fighting...
- A video that is dividing the Internet shows a man...
American Firefighters Receive Gracious Welcome as They...
- This is the kind of solidarity we need more of in this...
24 Red, White And Blue Foods That Might Be Just A...
- Have we gone too far? Red, White and Blue Burgers,...
34 Patriotic Memes And Things To Celebrate America's...
- Happy 4th of July my fellow Americans!
Charlamagne Tha God Grills Elizabeth Warren On Her...
- Elizabeth Warren gets called "The Original Rachel...
Katy Perry Scratches An Itch and Takes A Sniff
- In all honesty, I'd probably do the same thing.
12 of The Biggest Scandals to Hit History Channel TV...
- Even Television shows can come with their own secrets,...
Airline Removes Family From Plane For Being Too Smelly
- Yossi Adler, 36, and his family were seated on their...
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