24 Ancient Structures Straight Out of 'Dune'
- Check out the alien desert dwellings that exist on...
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31 Ancient Fertility Sculptures That Prove Our...
- Back in ancient times, before Snapchat was invented,...
45 Ancient Cities and Buildings That Look Like Sci-fi...
- Sci-fi set designers don’t need to go off-world for...
20 Ancient Cultures That Had Some Pretty F---ed Up...
- So many ancient cultures started out doing some of the...
20 Truly Fascinating Ancient Discoveries and Artifacts...
- The earth is kind of like a box of chocolates.
23 Photos that Show Some Terrifying Things from the...
- A batch of creatures, monsters, and animals from a...
27 Odd and Unique Helmets Taken Straight Out of the...
- Geek out over some bada** helmets straight from the...
Massive Chinese Sinkhole is Hiding a Prehistoric Forest
- An entire world beneath the Earth's surface.
Statistics That You Have to See To Believe
- You don't have to be good at math to have your mind...
30 History Memes You Might Find Funny
- A funny way to learn about the past.
30 Insane Historical Items People Discovered
- Stuff from the past that still wow people.
34 Things That Felt The Effects of Father Time
- Nothing escapes time.
7 Discoveries That Still Perplex Scientists
- Sometimes scientists make discoveries that lack clear...
A Colossal Agglomeration of Ancient Culturgens (100...
- A large collection of Internet artifacts that span...
A "Giant Alien Face" Was Recently Discovered in...
- Is this a natural formation, or perhaps something a...
The Top 9 Unexplained Artifacts Ever Discovered
- Puzzling ancient finds have a way of captivating the...
The City of Atlantis May Have Been Found In Plain Sight
- And no, it wasn't in the middle of the ocean.
20 Ancient Medical Practices That'll Make You Glad To...
- I sure am glad medicine has evolved over the years!
Drought Leads to Discovery of Massive Unknown Henge
- Drone footage captured amid a heatwave close to the...
The Stone Age Tribe on a Banned Island You Can't Visit
- We are basically Aliens to this Ancient and isolated...
How Did Ancient Romans Lift & Transport 900 Ton Stones?
- The Trilithon Stones make up part of the temple of...
10 Of The Most Amazing Recent Discoveries From The...
- From a 176,000 year old stone hing cave structure to a...
16 Of The Oldest Inventions In Existence
- Take a closer look at the origins of things most of us...
Road Rage Lady Screams Like A Possessed Demon
- What is happening here?
A Beautiful Ancient Swedish Herding Call
- Known as a "Kulning" it creates an odd yet soothing...
Magical Visual Effects Created By Music
- In a piece titled "Cymatics" a musician uses sound to...
23 Historical Fascinating Facts
- Imagine all the cool facts about the world today, then...
The Bosnian Pyramid Mystery
- Could it be that within Bosnia lies the largest...
Historical Monument Backflip Ends In Faceplant
- What do you get when you mix ancient architecture and...
Ancient Aliens Giorgio Tsoukalos Goes Deep.
Lost Cities
- Images from ancient cities around the world.
Hidden Fortress
- This fortress was found in Siberia in the middle of a...
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