49 Cyberpunk Animals Given a New Lease on Life
- Aside from it being necessary, fun, and incredibly...
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The World’s Oldest Crocodile Is Terrifying
- How old can crocodiles get? 20 years? 30 years? Try...
Man Cuts His Hair With a Piranha
- If you’re like me, growing up, you probably thought...
This Raven Could Beat You At Tic Tac Toe
- Ravens are marvelously smart animals.
Orange Cat Deathly Afraid of Ceiling Fan
- In fairness, it *is* a pretty big fan.
24 Moo Deng Memes and Tweets Stealing Our Hearts
- Moo Deng is a new baby pygmy hippo that lives in...
Nosy Woman Laughs and Records as Raccoons Make...
- Leave these two alone!
How 21 of the Best Dressed Horses in History Looked...
- Horses deserve to get dressed up too.
Horny Elk Goes After Female Tongue-First, Gets...
- It’s called “flirting,” ever heard of it?
The 15 Most Decorated Animals in the History of Combat
- Just like humans, animals have shown bravery and...
Woman Wrestles Pigeon Out of Pelican’s Mouth
- That’s the face of a woman who’s really sick of...
32 Hilarious Posts from the Terrible Wildlife...
- Wildlife photography is a gift that shows the natural...
Chinese Monkey Learned to Pose for Photos and Now...
- Okay, buddy, get over yourself.
Phillies’ Minor League Team Dog Makes Debut by...
- The Clearwater Threshers, a minor league team for the...
Camel Gets Tricked into Eating a Lemon, Then Gets...
- Camels are built for difficult weather. They’re able...
Squirrel Caught on Tree Smoking a Cig
- Give it a few years and they’ll be vaping.
Why Not Watch These Ducks Race?
- You’ve got nothing else going on. Why not watch...
All the Ridiculous Ways to Get Giant Animals From...
- I'm not going to lie, this looks like a blast.
Watch This Walrus Slurp Down Fish
- Hey, if he gets free fish from it, I’m sure he...
Woman Walking Her Dog Struck by Runaway Moose
- Russia is home to a lot of beautiful nature....
Man Gets Caught in Fight Between Cow and Bull
- The cow clearly loses to the bull, but the real loser...
Seagull Lands Three Sick Backflips in a Row
- Who says animals can’t have fun?
19 Skin-crawling Pics of People Covered in Snakes
- Ahhh, snakes. The spaghetti of the jungle, the tube...
Woman Attaches GoPro to Her Dog and Creates Hilarious...
- Humans are obsessed with the idea of seeing the world...
Kid Gets Mugged By Monkeys
- Monkeys are a little too close to humans for comfort.
I Never Want to See an ‘American Bloodworm’ Ever...
- At least they’re not known to attack humans — or...
Sheep Baths Look Way Different Than You'd Think
- Sheep, like any other livestock, needs to be washed to...
This Naked Raccoon is Unsettling and I’m Sorry You...
- He didn’t ask to be this way, but I still don’t...
Dog Dives to the Bottom of a Lake for a Rock
- Dog’s minds are strange and unknowable places for us...
Transporting Rhinos Looks Incredibly Stupid
- Sometimes, people need to move rhinos. Don’t ask me...
‘How Does This Happen?’: Man Realizes He’s in...
- A Montana dog came incredibly close to being kidnapped...
18 Animals That Flunked Evolution
- Somewhere in the ether, Charles Darwin is shaking his...
‘She’s Perfect’: Dog Obsessed With Looking at...
- Everyone has those days where you look fantastic and...
20 Things That Have Not Changed A Single Bit, Ever
- The world is ever-changing. These things are not.
We Bet You Can't Spot These 25 Animals Hiding In Plain...
- Why stand out when you can blend in?
19 Funny, Terrible and Nightmare-Inducing Taxidermies
- Where's Chuck Testa when you need him?
Man Delivers on Five-Year Promise to Build a DIY Shark...
- It’s easy to talk a big game on the internet when...
They’re Just Like Me Fr: Watch Pandas Just Chill and...
- Pandas are too pure for this world.
Moose Chases Bear In Pursuit of the Century
- We usually say nature is brutal and while that remains...
'I Know What I Saw' - 23 Things People Swear They Saw,...
- The human mind is a complex beast, and sometimes we...
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