Drunk Dude Jumps into Ostrich Enclosure, Gets Leveled
- Maybe it's best not to jump into an ostrich enclosure...
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28 Pics of Baby Animals that are Just Too Adorable
- A collection of baby animals to brighten your day and...
25 Tingle-Inducing Photos of Man's Best Friend
- There's long been a heated debated about which is...
Cuttlefish Puts on Display to Dazzle Prey Into Trance
- Knowing how dangerous a crab can be, this cuttlefish...
36 Fascinating Finds Things I Saw on my Virtual Trip...
- A collection of amazing landscapes, animals, and...
21 Pets with a Combined Awareness Rating of Zero
- These pets have absolutely no clue what is going on in...
Hyenas Gang Up on Lioness, Immediately Regret Decision
- This seemed like a guaranteed meal, and not a bad idea...
23 Times Mother Nature Was a Total Bada**
- Mother Nature is a mad scientist. Let's see what she's...
Cat Plummets from Upper Deck, Miami Fans Save the Day
- Somehow yet another cat snuck into a stadium. This...
40 Useless Factoids to Stuff Inside Your Grey Matter
- Gotta be more interesting than what they teach in...
Employee Fired After Exposing How Much Plastic Is...
- Gives a new and disgusting meaning to you are what you...
Taxidermist's Dead Cat Drone is Cursed as F--k
- Dutch Artist Bart Jensen, after the loss of his pet...
Hippo Entirely Unbothered by Pride of Lions Attacking...
- A hippo's hide is so thick that they were really just...
31 Utterly Wholesome Pics and Memes to Remind You Life...
- Drown out the darkness of the world for a few moments...
Stunning Bird Takes Off With Man's GoPro, Reveals What...
- A bird in what appears to be an Indonesian village...
Pigeon Lays Egg in Owl Nest, Regrets It Come Nightfall
- A pigeon stumbles upon a barn owl's nest and decides...
Lion Waits outside of Front Door, Not a Happy Camper
- When in Africa. This guy just needs to get outside,...
Poor Girl Gets Smacked in the Face by a Seagull on the...
- While launching on the infamous slingshot ride a bird...
Oceanic Badass Pets Humongous Great White on the Nose
- We have another man, well-endowed with an indifference...
Giant Squid Attacks Surfers Chilling in Open Water
- It's all fun and games until you're dragged to the...
NYC Karen Tries Luring Man's Dog into Traffic
- There's a way to tell someone to leash their dog....
Family of Raccoons Fall Through Woman's Ceiling, Make...
- Like something out of a movie, a woman came home to...
Using a Live Snake to Clear Out a Rodent Infestation
- Just in case you've got a severe rodent problem and a...
Vulture's Flight Pattern Revealed Using After Effects
- Now I wanna see one for every other kind of bird!
Squirrel Activates Epic "Squirrel-Feeding Machine"
- This guy, a YouTuber named Creezy, set up an utterly...
43 Choice Pics to Go Gallivanting With
- A vacation for your mind.
Immense Great White is Covered in Battle Scars
- This shark has lived the hell out of its life.
Raccoon Gets Handsy With Attractive Visitor
- He's lucky he's cute.
Man Messes With the Wrong Raccoon
- Guy tries to kick a raccoon mom off his property but...
Man's Day Is Ruined by Hungry Camel
- Savor his shrill screams of terror as the Camel's...
30 Sad Facts People Know
- Life is full of sadness.
Massive Grizzly Charges Park Ranger in Yellowstone
- Thankfully, this Park Ranger is no slouch!
43 Pics That Say More Than a Thousand Words
- Pics to take your breath away.
21 Absolute Unit Versions of Things
- Get down with the thickness.
Orca Slaps the Ever-Loving S**t Out of a Sting Ray
- We don't know what that stingray did to piss off that...
Jake Paul Held a Golf Cart Race Through a Protected...
- Because sometimes you just gotta race a golf cart...
40 Unexpected Images to Mull Over
- Awesome stuff you don't see every day.
20 Tips That Might Save Your Life
- Tips that might save your life one day.
Wild Water Fountain Gets Every, Single, Animal
- Behold the great equalizer.
Mr. Steal Your Girl Is an Absolute Unit of a Dog
- It's rumored that this dog once trained with Chuck...
eBaum's Picks