30 Artistic Masterpieces That Will Surely Make You...
- These brilliants artists had no idea how their work...
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How To Turn Five Dollar Abe Lincoln Into Bill Murray
- This creative artist turns the classic $5 bill into a...
One Man's Clever Response When Someone Hit His Car
- A little bit of creativity and ingenuity saves him a...
Has Banksy Finally Been Caught On Camera?
- Is this really Banksy?
This Artist Collective Hid Secret Messages On Melrose...
- Meet the Gala Committee, an artist collective who...
The World's Most Expensive Bong
- Glass pipes and bongs are becoming expensive pieces of...
24 Children's Drawings That Border on NSFW
- Unintentionally Inappropriate Kid's Drawings.
Awesome Photos That Strangely Look Like Renaissance...
- We may be living through another Renaissance people!
Historical Art Memes That Summarize Every Party
- Lets party like it's the 15th century.
33 Hilarious Museum Snapchats That Captured The True...
- These people are definitely winning over their...
Three Old Photos From The 1900's Turned Into Stunning...
- Photographer and animator Alexey Zakharov of Moscow...
Amazing Smokable Art Made Out of Marijuana And Rolling...
- All creations by Tony Greenhands are 100% smokable....
If We Evolved To Survive Car Crashes, This Is What...
- Meet Graham, a concept created by artist Patricia...
Niki Norberg Proves Tattoos Can Be Art
- If you want to look like a sketchbook at least aim for...
People Who Mastered The Art Of Being A Crazy-Ex
- People who know how to deal with cheaters . . .
16 Paintings That Pretty Much Describe Your Life
- If I'm unable to crawl out of my grave, please delete...
25 Hilarious Parents Who Have Mastered The Art Of...
- The best part of parenting has got to be pranking them.
Amazing Art Inside Block Of Ice
- This dude carves ice in a new and beautiful way.
Amputee Tattoo Artist Has a Badass Steampunk Tattoo...
- That thing looks dangerous!
Amazing Body Art That Will Blow Your Mind
- A bit of eye candy that will surely captivate your...
Prankster Trolls People At A Modern Art Exhibit
- Screwing with people that pretend to know art.
Guy Creates Amazing Space Landscapes With Spraypaint
- This street artist is using spraypaint to actually do...
Breathtaking Tattoos By Some Of The Top Artist
- Even if you can't respect the medium you have to...
Artistic Masterpieces That Were Ruined By The Internet
- There are more people like us out there somewhere!
Artistic Masterpieces That Were Ruined By The Internet
- There are more people like us out there somewhere!
Humans Improving Classic Statues
- Ah, how we love to take art and Statues and then make...
Artistic Masterpieces That Were Ruined By The Internet
- The internet is a mystical realm where creativity has...
Artistic Masterpieces That Were Ruined By The Internet
- The internet is a mystical realm where creativity has...
Breathtaking Tattoos That Took Forever To Ink
- These tats might have taken a ton of sessions, but the...
Artistic Masterpieces Ruined By The Internet
- Nothing is sacred anymore. Damn kids!
Artistic Masterpieces Ruined By The Internet
- Nothing is sacred anymore. Damn kids!
29 Masterpieces Ruined By The Internet
- These brilliants artists had no idea how their work...
29 Masterpieces Ruined By The Internet
- These brilliants artists had no idea how their work...
22 Pieces Of Next Level Fan Art
- A dose of nostalgia combined with badass tributes to...
Street Artist David Zinn Was Making The World Cool Way...
- David Zinn's chalk art brings his characters to life.
20 Masterpieces Ruined By The Internet
- Works of art transformed into something more.
20 Different Portraits Inspired By 20 Different Drugs
- A San Francisco-based graphic designer tried a new...
16 Year Old Artist Makes Things You Wouldn't Imagine
- Dimitra Milan paints things you could only see if you...
24 Artistic Porn-Star Portraits
- Photographer Roger Kisby's project showing the...
The 'Art of War' Explained Using Sports
- "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without...
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