30 Dummies Who Asked To Be Roasted And Got Obliterated
- Don't approach the fire if you don't wanna get burnt.
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Bad Lip Reading NFL 2016 Part 2
- More funny nonsensical sayings and general shenanigans.
28 People Who Got Roasted To A Crisp On The Internet
- If you ask people on the internet to make fun of you,...
38 People Who Had A Worse Day Than You Did
- And YOU thought things couldn't get any worse!
Bad Lip Reading Of The NFL 2016: Part One
- Hilarious and nonsensical sayings from NFL players,...
20 Hilariously Bad Tinder Profiles
- Keep on swiping.
26 Pictures of People Who Got Roasted Hard
- A Roast Gallery with fresh material.
Woman Describes The Most Embarrassing Moment of Her...
- This story has fun, suspense, and most...
36 Classic Examples of Female Logic
- A guide on understanding how these complicated...
Man Has Bad Day During Flood In L.A.
- One man sum's up Southern California's feelings about...
Horny Guy Gets Trolled By Bored Teen
- Pranks like this might cause permanent trauma.
Cheerleading Practice Goes Way Wrong
- Doing this inside your bedroom is probably not a great...
This is What a Really Bad Day Looks Like
- 19 time life gave you the middle finger.
30 People Who Failed Their 'One Job'
- Attention to detail is the key to success...
The Best "Worst Things for Sale" on Amazon
- 17 examples of the dumbest crap you can find on Amazon.
24 Parenting Fails Of Epic Proportions
- Cringe-worthy parents doing things their own horrible...
24 Parenting Fails Of Epic Proportions
- Cringe-worthy parents doing things their own horrible...
Game of Thrones: A Bad Lip Reading
- Welcome to "Medieval Land Fun-Time World", enjoy the...
34 Examples of Some Womens' Logic
- Female logic taken to a crazy level.
The Infamous "Florida Man" Strikes Again
- A collection of WTF news stories that involve a crazy...
Star Wars: A Bad Lip Reading
- Vader keeps texting Leia, while Ben continues his...
18 Hilarious Fake Life-Hacks To Winterize Your Car...
- Pro tips and smart advice from experts to keep you...
Why Cutting A Tire With A Razor Blade Is A Bad Idea
- A future Darwin Award winner demonstrates...
Dumb Kid Gets Hurt Bad On Stupid Stunt
- Kid almost won himself a Darwin Award. (Warning: Bad...
10 Weirdest Deaths Of 2015
- These people got nominated for the Darwin Award.
14 Tattoos So Bad, It's Actually Impressive
- Impressively bad tattoos.
Going Twice The Speed Limit Is A Bad Idea
- This kid is lucky he didn't kill himself.
25 Examples of People Being Terrible Parents
- An illustrated guide on how not to raise a child.
24 Images Of People Having A Bad Day
- Nothing ruins your day like reality right in the face.
Palestinian Woman Walks Up To An Israeli Security...
- The security guard got away with only minor scratches.
17 Pics That Prove People Love To Be Insulted On The...
- These people actually asked to roast them. Hilarity...
New Station Tries To Fake An "Incident"
- The crew thought they needed a little more drama for...
20 People Having A Case Of The Mondays
- Somewhere, someone is having a worse day than you.
Bad Lip Reading of the Democratic Debate
- Democratic hopefuls discuss the important issues of...
The Most Ridiculous Case of Stolen Valor
- A man confronts a "Sergeant 1st Class" and his...
Houdini Escape Trick Goes Horribly Wrong
- Kristen Johnson has some trouble and has to be rescued...
16 Unlucky Situations That Happen In Life
- Just when they thought things couldn't possibly get...
30 Neckbeards And Losers Who Will Make You Cringe
- People being the epitome of awkward.
16 People Having a Worse Day Than You
- A collection of pictures that will make you feel...
Pouring Molten Copper Onto Ice Is a Really Bad Idea
- Warning: Don't try this at home genius.
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