32 Savage Memes To Troll Your Vegan Friends With
- Some all organic, non GMO memes to mess with your...
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Chinese Steel Workers Constantly Drench Themselves In...
- The only way to work around such hot steel is to be...
"Your Momma" Jokes That Are Just Plain Savage!
- Your mother's resume, in joke format.
Enjoy a Slice of Humble Pie: Karen's Bad Food Review...
- A Dublin cafe owner was a bit surprised about a bad...
Idiot Tries To Eat Whole Carolina Reaper To Impress...
- I think he may have seen the face of God.
Girl Tries To Prank Her Mom But Her Mom Gets The Last...
- Her Mom is right, the doggie wins the graduation one...
Motorcyclist Drives Through Protestors Laying In The...
- Some say he was endangering lives, others blame the...
Friendzoned Idiot Calls Out Girl On Facebook, Gets...
- This guy who clearly has no grasp of reality tries to...
Overreacting Reporter Gets Humiliated With One...
- It took one shot to crash his SJW world.
Stupid Chick Thinks Lighting A Flare Inside Is A Good...
- If you're trying to set your house on fire, this is...
Twitter Teaches This Woman A Valuable Lesson In Film...
- This woman was trying to make a point about women...
Detachable Jeans Prove The Fashion Industry Is Just...
- After the ridiculous clear jeans debacle, and then the...
Vain 49 Year Old Woman Claims She Looks Like Son's...
- The internet reacts accordingly.
Dude Savagely Destroys His Cheating Girlfriend On Her...
- Now that is how it's done!
This Extra-Crispy Woman Dancing Will Haunt Your...
- You may need some eye bleach after this...
19 Pics Oozing With Cringe That Will Make You...
- Ge ready for a fresh dose of awkwardness.
Fake News Article Triggers Hundreds Of Gullible People...
- A fake story about tranquilizers for kids recently had...
Cash Me Ousside Girl Talks Sh*t But Gets Rekt In An...
- She was bragging but nothing could stop that pawnage.
Did This Car Just Get Hit By a Missile?
- I hope everyone inside is ok!
27 Of The Stupidest Arguments People Actually Had
- People describe their heated debates over silly...
This Sheriff Trolled People With Notices To Appear
- A clever way to "summon" your friends and family to an...
Funny Social Media Fail: Guy Gets Humiliated By His...
- A little white lie about a pretend girlfriend blows up...
15 Car Roasts That Burn To The Core
- A funny new take on the popular "insult me" movement.
Woman Has An Unusual Way Of Celebrating Her Divorce
- That's one way to get over the past and move on!
Girl Craving Attention Gets Put In Her Place
- She had to learn the importance of things the hard...
Guy Calls Out News Sites On Their Bullsh*t Stories
- This dude is fed up with the lack of real news.
British Girl Dancing Gets A Painful Poop-Chute Surprise
- After dropping it like it's hot, this girl wound up...
Janitor Outsmarts Bratty Girls Who Made His Job Harder
- The look on their faces is priceless.
15 Cringey-Ass Dudes Who Need to Burn Their Social...
- If you call yourself a "nice guy" online there is a...
Man Trolls A Feminist With Reality And Facts
- Apparently facts are offensive to snowflakes.
This Guy Trolled Thousands Of People With Two Photos
- This guy should receive the troll of the year award.
The Worst Thing That Could Happen To A Bride
- It was supposed to be a great wedding, but this...
20 Grandmas That Are Straight Up Savage
- When you make it to old age you begin to care less...
Hilarious Memes Showing How Awful Youtubers Truly Are
- If you see anything marked "NOT CLICKBAIT" on YouTube...
Controlling Girlfriend Gets Owned By Gamer Boyfriend
- After disrespecting his friends and hobbies, she...
Guy Gets A Dick Pic From His Dad And Retaliates In The...
- Look where you send those dick pics, you animal.
Bill Hicks Has An Answer For Anyone Offended By...
- "Our emotions are running wild and our minds have...
Female Troll Cassidy Boon Knows How To Trigger...
- Her hilarious fake news stories get a certain group of...
Miserable Fail In Daily Beast Attempt To Shame Disney
- Tried to shame Disney? Even kids would do better with...
Guy Delivers a Brutal Burn to Cheater GF on Jerry...
- Victim of cheating saves himself from being publicly...
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