DMCA - This Guy Might Actually Be Santa
- It appears Santa has a few tricks in that bag of his.
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DMCA - Amazing Coca-Cola Christmas Gift Bow
- Coke made a special holiday bottle that is awesome!
Pornhub's 2015 Christmas Commercial
- A safe-for-work ad with probably the best acting in...
The Hood Comes To The 'Burbs At Christmas
- What happens when THUGS crash the whitest neighborhood...
43 Must-Have Christmas Gifts for 2015
- The ultimate catalog of awesome gifts and gadgets for...
Tree Trimming Ninja Has Mad Skills
- Guy wielding two swords trimming Christmas trees on a...
32 Funny Christmas Posts On Facebook
- Funny examples of Christmas cheer gone wrong on...
Holiday Greetings From Around The World
- Whatever language you speak, Merry Christmas and Happy...
The "Last Christmas" Video You Will Ever Need
- No... seriously, no more please.
Heavy Metal Christmas Lightshow
- Carol Of The Bells by August Burns Red.
How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100?
- The compassion and wisdom from this old man may...
30 Of The Worst Christmas Puns Ever
- They're bad, but they will probably make you laugh...
Sam Smith Christmas Special Gets Hacked By Dr. Evil
- Mike Myers makes fun of North Korea and Sony.
The Scary Snowman Terrorizes Boston
- Freaky the Scary Snowman Headed out to one of his...
Skeletor's Little Drummer Boy
- Skeletor is back with more festive cheer!
Bad Santa In Real Life
- Sometimes Santa is the one who is being naughty, not...
Scumbag Thieves Steal From Elderly Couple
- A man asks the couple for directions while his partner...
Taking Present Wrapping To The NEXT LEVEL
- Why not make the outside of the gift as exciting as...
2014 Holiday Gift Guide
- Christmas will be here in less than 10 days! Get gifts...
Star Wars Themed Christmas Light Show
- A holiday season tribute to favorite Star Wars songs.
The People Who Ruin Every Holiday Party
- If any these people show up at your holiday party, you...
5 Things That Would Be Different If Home Alone...
- How Home Alone might look if it took place in present...
Weird Holiday Traditions Around the World
- A man breaking into your house and eating cookies...
20 Facts About 'A Christmas Story' You Probably Didn't...
- Bet you didn't know even half of these cool facts from...
20 Unconventional Christmas Decorations
- These untraditional Christmas decorations are...
This Is The Greatest Christmas Card Ever
- Just wait to see what this thing does. Created by...
24 Funniest Notes Ever Left For Santa
- A collection of hilarious children's notes left for...
The Avengers Sing Christmas Carols
- The heroes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe join in...
Incredibly Fascinating Christmas Light Show
- A 3-D Christmas light show that jumps right out at you!
The 20 Worst Presents People Actually Received For...
- If you're planning on getting someone a gift this...
'Jingle Bells' Entirely From Office Equipment
- One of the coolest holiday jingles ever, using nothing...
Dads Pull Off A Christmas Dubstep Dance
- These dads prove they still got it.
18 Crappy Toy Ripoffs To Ruin Your Kid's Christmas
- A collection of knockoff toys guaranteed to ruin your...
Huge Christmas Tree Built From Legos
- Everything is awesome when it's made of Legos!
The Scary Snowman Is At It Again
- You're going to give someone a heart attack!
The Scary Snowman Is Back For Halloween
- The snowman comes to life and gives people walking by...
Awesome Internet Images You Haven't Seen
- 40 pictures to get you through your day.
Little Boy Pukes On Stage
- Some kids just can't handle the pressure of live...
An Alternative Type Of Christmas Message
- A message from the NSA's public enemy #1, Edward...
Merry Christmas My Fellow eBaumers
- Slow motion bouncing boobies, the gift that keeps on...
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