22 Blessed and Cursed Cows from the Breeding Cattle...
- Do cows dream in electric sleep?
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Bulls Enter Convenience Store, Wreak Havoc
- Turns out it’s not just China shops that the beasts...
Man Trying to Take Photo With Cow Gets Mounted
- Looks like the cow was pretty happy to see him!
Man Gets Caught in Fight Between Cow and Bull
- The cow clearly loses to the bull, but the real loser...
Girl Hit by Cow, But Not How You’d Expect
- If you were thinking a cow was just going to run up...
Kids Get Real-Life Butcher Experience by Slaughtering...
- Everyone always complains about how school doesn’t...
Local Cow Interrupts Couple's Wedding Vows
- Speak now or forever hold your moo’s.
This Is the World’s Most Expensive Cow
- Would you pay millions of dollars for a cow?...
Super Chill Bovine Bro Gets Brushed by His Owner
- Just another day on the farm while this absolute unit...
Local Reporter Turns into Bill Burr During Segment...
- Wow, I guess cows can make 2 kinds of milk.
Kid Has His Body Parts Confused During His First Cow...
- Kids say the darndest things.
Cow Farmer's Day Takes a Turn for the Brown
- It's a brown Monday for him.
Dainty Dude Gets Dropkicked by a Cow
- If you mess with the cow, you're gonna get the...
2 Ton Bull Devastated After He Pops is Favorite Red...
- Tex gets a little excited while playing with his ball...
Unreal Cow is an Absolute Unit
- Did this cow break into The Rock's gym and get swole...
Will Ferrell Plays Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts...
- Would you rather answer a tough question or eat...
This Insane Pulsing Fire Was Caused by One Fallen...
- "That's really too bright to be looking at!"
The Exact Moment A Dog Realizes That Cows Are Made Of...
- You can just see those wheels turning.
These Parents Should Be Locked Up After This Incident
- These things never end well...
Man Is Assaulted By Cow With Bad Attitude
- Poor man was just minding his own business when...
Bull Jumps Clean Over Guys Head In The Middle Of The...
- This is absolutely insane. How is this even possible?...
Chick-Fil-A Cow Shows Off The Dance Skills
- Smoking on that loud pack, getting beefer madness.
Girl Freaks Out During Manatee Encounter
- When nature gets too close.
20 Animals With Marvelous Hair
- Their long hair makes them look fabulous and they know...
Thieves Stealing A Cow In India
- What's even more impressive is they crammed it into a...
Man Calls Cops, They Arrive And Kill His Dog
- Officer responding to a theft call shoots Victim's dog.
Animals That Can't Keep Their Tongues In
- Either they can't keep their tongues in, or they're...
Drunken Bull Fighting Fail
- Just In: Alcohol and Bulls do NOT mix.
Freed Cows Jump For Joy
- After being freed, their excitement can be seen as...
What's Better Than Holy Cow?
- He then lets something else slip and gives Mom a...
Bull Launches Woman Into The Air
- You know what they say, you play with the bull, you're...
Guess What's In The Pot
- I didn't guess right either... How did that even get...
Electric Fence Butt Shock Stunt
- This idea went from bad to crappy... literally!
Firecracker In a Cow Pie
- Explosive cow poop.
4 Wheeler Crashes Into Cow
- That cow should have moooooved!
WTF Pics - Animal Edition
- Some odd and interesting animals and their owners...
Mad Cow Disease
- Insane cow demonstrates what mad cow disease looks...
A Platoon Parody Done With Toy Soldiers
- War is Hell. Green Hell!
RC Copter Made Out of a Dead Cat's Corpse
- Shut up and take my money!
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