MMA Fighter Perfectly Counters Opponent's Spin Attack...
- Goga Shamatava has an almost inhuman counter to...
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Drunk Guy Scales Huge Bridge To Avoid Police
- Good Grief, do they not have liquor stores over there?
Impatient Motorcyclist Narrowly Escapes Multiple...
- This motorcyclist uploaded a video of him passing cars...
Super Drunk Navy Sailor Tased After Running Around...
- Brandon Ragan uploaded this video of a naked man who...
Insane Trevor Jacob Skates Off Travis Pastrana's House...
- Trevor Jacob is an Olympic snowboarder and member of...
11 People Who Found Out Life's a B**ch
- Ever had that feeling that the world is out to get you?
Woman Lets A Random Creep Pay Her $20 To Smell Her Feet
- This grown man (wearing a Raiders hat) stops a woman...
Insane 4K Footage of Hurricane Michael Hitting Panama...
- A note from those filming: "Video taken in the western...
Crazy Lady Tries to Fight Guy Then Flashes Her...
- This woman running around a gas station yelling "Ain't...
Man Takes 25k Camera Skydiving That'll Make You Wanna...
- This surreal video of skydivers in amazing HD will...
Black Man Babysitting White Kids Has Cops Called On Him
- How depressing for everyone involved in this day and...
Ohio Teen Captures Image Of What Appears To Be A...
- Amateur ghost hunter and avid nature photographer,...
People With The Same Name As Controversial Celebs Are...
- It all started with a guy named Brett Kavanaugh saying...
35 Amazing Pics That'll Keep You Going
- You don't see that every day.
Hornet Attack is Not for the Faint of Heart
- Nature, you're scary.
Lady Freaking Out Over a Chicken Sandwich is America
- There was an altercation between multiple customers...
12 Pics Proving Everything Online is Fake
- The 'fake it till you make it' strategy has failed...
This Helicopter Pilot's Concrete Pouring Skills Are...
- The Loveland Ski Area in Colorado needed to pour a...
26 Photos of People Who Should Be Nominated for a...
- The one award you will never be able to accept...
18 Brutal Moments from Everyday Life
- Less-than-subtle hints that the universe hates you.
Woman Comes Clean About A Sh*tty Situation She Got...
- That house has never been the same... **Contains NSFW...
30 Super Random Pictures From The Depths of the...
- Let your eyes feast upon these funny, weird, and wtf...
19 Pictures Set to Maximum Randomness
- Random pics from around the internet.
The City of Atlantis May Have Been Found In Plain Sight
- And no, it wasn't in the middle of the ocean.
35 WTF Pics That'll Make You Scratch Your Head
- I said- hey, what's going on?
Terrifying Footage of Woman Trapped Inside Her Car...
- A resident of Gatineau, Quebec, said she was lucky to...
Parasailers Electrocuted After Crashing into Power...
- Two vacationers were parasailing and were thrown into...
24 Random Pics from the World Wide Web
- A compilation of cool and miscellaneous images.
Woman Shares A Chilling Story With A Twisted Ending
- A kidnapped woman gives a surprising tip about the...
16 Trashy People Who Have Horrible Tattoos
- These people have no shame left to lose.
Dude Drives Jet Ski Down the Road
- This lady was driving on September 18 when she...
600-Lb Woman Loves Shopping For Food
- This clip is taken from the TLC show My 600-Pound Life.
34 Super Random Pics From The Depths of The Interwebs
- A batch of pics and memes to quench your thirst.
One Of The Most Mind Blowing Optical Illusions There Is
- Your brain is a tricky thing, wow!
The Most Cringeworthy Tinder Conversation You'll See...
- Some people on Tinder just have no shame.
The Odd Story Of The Tree That Legally Owns Itself
- Let us tell you the story of a family of trees...
Flat Earthers Traveled From Around The Globe For The...
- In Raleigh, North Carolina, members of the Flat Earth...
22 Random Pictures from the World Wide Web
- Weird and wacky image from around the internet.
18th Century Sailor Pseudonyms Are The Best Thing Ever
- There must've been a Sailor Moon somewhere in China...
Guy With Balls Of Steel Disarms Shotgun Weilding...
- A man armed with a shotgun got more than he bargained...
eBaum's Picks