The Most Cringeworthy Tinder Conversation You'll See...
- Some people on Tinder just have no shame.
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If You Buy The New iPhone You're A Moron
- Apple fanboys are sure to get upset after watching...
The President of Argentina Takes A Soccer Ball To The...
- The President of Argentina won't be having any more...
32 Pics That Will Make You Cringe Your Pants
- Get your foreheads ready for a fresh dose of facepalm...
Eminem Is Finally That Cringey Old Dude
- Go home Eminem, you're old!
Crazy Woman On Twitter Thinks She Uncovered A Wild...
- Maybe it's drugs, or maybe she was born with it?
Melting Steel Beams With Thermite
- Just fuel can't melt steel beams but thermite sure can.
25 Trashy People Ruining The Human Race
- The kind of people that make you want to stay inside.
16 WTF Pics That Will Make You Puke in Your Mouth a...
- Here are some photos that may make you want to leave...
15 Brutal Moments from Everyday Life
- Less than subtle signs that the universe hates you.
33 Pics of the Weird Sh*t You'll See While Shopping In...
- No wonder online shopping has been such a massive...
32 Pics That Will Make You Cringe Your Pants
- Get your foreheads ready for a fresh dose of facepalm...
18 Hilarious Memes and Reactions To Elon Musk Smoking...
- Last night Elon Musk went on Joe Rogan's podcast to...
Yahoo Discovers Their Newest Feature May Not Have Been...
- Automatically featuring the top user comments on posts...
19 Times Life Dealt People an Unfair Hand
- Less than subtle signs that the universe hates you.
33 Cringey Pics That Will Make You Facepalm
- Posts from people who may be living in an alternate...
19 Clueless People Who Will Make You Feel Better About...
- We're all a little special in our own way.
Whose Line Is It Anyway Stopped From Doing A Hitler...
- So instead they spent the rest of the episode making...
Anti-vaxxer's Might Be The Dumbest People On Earth
- The levels of stupidity in this woman Facebook post as...
24 Pics That'll Make You Cringe Right Up
- There's a world of dinguses out there.
Be Careful What Your Kids Are Watching On YouTube, WTF!
- This is the story of Johny Johny yes papa, the...
17 Trashy People Who Were Born In A Dumpster
- We're really scraping the bottom of the barrel with...
21 People Who Will Drive You Crazy
- The things people do that drive us crazy.
36 Pics That Will Make You Cringe Your Pants
- Get your foreheads ready for a fresh dose of facepalm...
People Lose It Over Calling Vaginas Front Holes
- If you're really sweet maybe I'll let you in the back...
Tumblr User Explains What Would Happen If You Had A...
- We're not sure how accurate this guy's claims are but,...
17 Clues We Might Be Surrounded By Idiots
- There are reasons why they put up those warning signs-...
'Sheep Play' Event Is Worse Than Your Worst Nightmare
- People have too much time on their hands, WTF!
This Guys Tinder Story Will Destroy Your Faith In...
- This is not a drill boys I repeat, this is not a drill.
Don't Walk, Run! Rips On The Cringefest That Is...
- Let's take a look at Seriously Tv, who have made more...
23 Trashy People Born In A Dumpster
- These people will make your blood boil.
27 Savage Memes To Rot Your Soul
- Jump into the meme stream, it's savage.
35 Pics That Will Make You Cringe Your Pants
- Get your foreheads ready for a fresh dose of facepalm...
28 Clever and Funny Help Wanted Ads
- Some fun places to work at when your parents finally...
Jonah Hill Gets Bullied Everywhere He Goes
- You can see the pain in poor Jonah's eyes as he is...
Woman Attacks A Group Of Tourists In Brooklyn For...
- Fighting racism by telling tourists to not spend their...
Idiot Wont Back Down After Sharing Stupid FB Post
- Some people just want to think for themselves.
Azealia Banks and Her Crazy Weekend Trapped In Elon...
- Elon Musk spent the weekend crying, doing acid and...
27 Attention Whores And Their Bullshit Stories
- We all know someone who makes up stupid shit for...
23 Savage Memes To Make Your Day
- Jump into the meme stream and enjoy.
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