Infamous Early 20th Century Daredevil Shows Off His...
- Well… What did we learn here?
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21 Fascinating Photos That Show Life For America’s...
- He's red, white and blue all over.
15 Old-Timey Daredevils Who Set a High Bar
- These guys jumped so Johnny Knoxville could jump...
Flat Earther 'Mad Mike' Hughes Dies During Homemade...
- No one leaves the z "Flat Earth" alive!
Jackie Chan When His Stunts Go Wrong
- Just in case you didn't know, Jackie Chan does all of...
Remembering Stan Lee with Every Cameo He Ever Had
- A look at this brilliant man's life work. RIP Stan Lee.
Speedflyer Jamie Lee Has A Death Wish
- It only takes one big rock to turn yourself into a...
Things Escalate Quickly When Dude Refuses To Pay His...
- Things go from bad to wtf with a quickness.
Is This The Highest Tree Jump In The World?
- Filmed with a goPro and sure to get your adrenaline...
Motorcyclist Running From The Cop's Creates His Own...
- Moron was going over 180mph at one point!
Russian Badass Sets Himself On Fire And Jumps Off...
- A man sets himself on fire, jumps off a building, then...
Wingsuit Daredevil Flies Thru 10 Foot Gap
- Flying at near terminal velocity, one wrong move, and...
Extreme Highlining
- Some thrill seekers cross a slack-line over a canyon...
Exploring The Chrysler Building - Insanity
- Moses leans over the edge of the Eagle's Head...
Worst Water Slide
- Where's The Water?!?!
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