40 People Having a Terrible Monday
- Mondays can be rough. But at least you aren't these...
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37 People Having a Worse Day Than You
- Sometimes life calls your number and when it does, you...
'A Really Bad Day' - 46 Unfortunate Souls Who Ran Out...
- Life loves to kick you when you're down.
40 People Having a Worse Day Than You
- Sometimes life doesn't go your way.
39 Examples of When Life Decided to Throw a Monkey...
- Take some comfort in knowing that you aren't alone in...
46 Poor People Who Ran Out of Luck
- Sometimes life calls your number. Be thankful that...
38 Unlucky People Who Had Their Number Called by the...
- Sometimes the heavens open up and unload right on top...
40 People Who Ran Out of Luck
- Sometimes things just don't go your way.
47 Fresh Memes to Salute the Dads
- Today is the day when we celebrate the Dads in our...
38 People That Fortune Did NOT Smile Upon
- Sometimes life doesn't go your way.
40 Frustrating Examples of The Universe Playing...
- Mondays are tough, just be thankful yours isn't this...
36 Unfortunate People Dealing With the Dreaded Bad Day
- Sometimes life doesn't go your way.
35 People Who Personally Ticked Off God
- Life isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes...
The Nature of the Universe: 27 Poor Souls Whose Luck...
- Sometimes things don't go your way. We've all been...
37 Unlucky People Having a Very Rough Day
- When things go from bad to worse.
38 People Having a Worse Day Than You (We Hope)
- When it rains it pours.
38 Times When Everything Just Went Completely Wrong
- Sometimes life doesn't go your way. And that's okay,...
44 People Who Got the Short End of the Stick
- Sometimes life has your number.
37 People Who Got the Short End of the Stick
- The definition of a bad day.
43 Times People Got Unfairly Singled Out by the...
- Check out this batch of people who are having a really...
When Life Throws Curveballs: 28 People's Troubled Day
- We all experience bad days and trying situations that...
42 People Hitting All The Potholes in the Road of Life
- When things just don't go your way, you can take some...
A Day at the Beach: Roaring 20s Footage Restored to...
- Time travel back to the roaring 20s for a beach...
33 Unfortunate Individuals Experience The Wrath of the...
- Check out this gallery of people who are experiencing...
35 Prime Examples of Murphy's Law in Action
- So take a few moments and browse through this...
When Nothing Goes Right: 35 Bad Luck Stories
- A bad day or crappy moment can strike when you least...
29 Tales of Misfortune And People Having a Bad Day
- Get ready for a dose of schadenfreude of people having...
23 Modern Day 'Poisons' That Have Been Normalized
- Things that are seemingly normal parts of everyday...
44 Times People's Day Went From Bad To Worse
- Check out this collection of wild and WTF moments in...
26 Valentine's Day Memes For The Forever Alone Out...
- Enjoy a batch of some funny anti-valentine's day memes...
17 Designers Who Messed Up Big On Valentine's Day
- Today is the day that every one of your performative...
22 Things That Made People Quit Their Jobs On The...
- If your first day at a new job is a disaster, the...
33 People Having Their Patience (and Resilience)...
- Check out this collection of pour souls who discovered...
41 Seemingly Mundane Moments That Sent People Off the...
- Pictures of events, situations, and things that sent...
36 Times Someone Got the Short End of the Stick
- We all have moments in life when things don't quite...
35 People Having a Very Bad Day On The Job
- Having a terrible day at work can be frustrating,...
17 Poor Souls Who Got Absolutely Wrecked by the...
- We all have experienced tough moments, crappy...
21 Times Things Decided to Go Sideways
- Sometimes things just don't go your way.
45 Moments When Sh*t Hit The Fan
- Check out this batch of times when things go...
30 People Who Just Had Their Day Ruined
- Here's a batch of images where people got hit with...
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