Crazy Lady Kills A Man After Driving Onto The Field...
- No children were hurt but she struck and killed a...
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Absolute Idiot Owns Himself By Driving While Using a...
- This dude deserved everything he got and more.
Drivers Save Horse Running Loose on Houston Freeway...
- A female passenger in another vehicle can be seen...
Uber Driver Accidentally Discovers Her Boyfriend is...
- While she was working, she unknowingly picked up a...
Unhinged Idiot Stops Bus in the Middle of the Highway...
- This man stopped a Boston area school bus for an...
New Yorker Walks Around Asking People Why They're...
- "Do you think you'll go faster by honking?"
Driver Slams Into Two Teens On A Crosswalk Before...
- The driver was found less than three hours later. He...
Lucky Driver Narrowly Avoids Being Crushed By Giant...
- That's some final destination type shit right there!
Entitled Douche Gets a Taste of Instant Justice
- He thought he was just gonna skip traffic by driving...
Drunk Driver Citizens Arrest Is Hard To Watch
- After a bad accident in Pueblo, CO these folks took in...
Unforgivably Drunk Driver Launches Her Car
- Footage shows a woman 3 times over the drinking limit....
Impatient Driver Moves Crane, Almost Kills Worker Back...
- This guy couldn't wait for a crane to do his job, so...
Dashcam Captures The Intense Moment a Driver Is Almost...
- On the way through the Su-Hua Highway, a huge rock...
Crazy Lady Attacks Uber Driver After Trying To Scam on...
- Rider tries to pull a fast one and cancel her ride...
Absolute Arsehole in a Bentley Will Pay for This
- Richard Plum is facing 2 years in prison and 5 years...
Hilarious Story About How A Woman And Her Husband...
- Yeah, that's going to be a pretty awkward ride.
Cops Will Pull You Over For Literally Anything These...
- We've been through this before, you can't just pull me...
In a Family of ID Photo Trolls, This Guy is King
- His family is known for messing with the DMV, and he...
Uber Driver Cheats Passengers Out Of $150 After...
- After getting a ticket for not having a valid drivers...
WTF? SUV Uses Driveway as a Ramp And Launches Into the...
- Not sure if that was intentional or on accident, but...
Man Encounters A Herd Of Antelope Running Across The...
- What a cool thing to witness! Lucky for the Antelope...
UPS Driver Very Excited to See Snacks Left by Homeowner
- Delivery drivers are really excited to drop off...
How Can Anyone Fail So Hard, Two Times, In The Span...
- This driver is having a really, really, bad day.
Not The Way You Want To Start The Work Week...
- This is not how you want to start your week on the...
Idiot Driver Gets Instant Karma When Trying To Pull A...
- If you can't wait, you're going to have a bad time.
Amazon Delivery Driver Leaves A Hot Steamy Package In...
- Home security footage captures a female driver taking...
Uber Driver Berates His Passengers For Carpooling And...
- Wow, I would have cancelled the ride a looooong time...
Guy Double Parking Gets Pissed And Forgets To Throw It...
- Things go downhill when a pissed off old man hops out...
Uber Driver Kicks Entire Party Out Of His Car After...
- Someone says white privilege several times while...
Reckless Teenage Driver Discovers How Easy It Is To...
- She attempts to zip in and out of traffic and pays the...
Uber Driver Fired After Getting Road Head With...
- A prostitute appears to be servicing her client while...
Drunk Driver Swerves Into A Ditch And Does A Complete...
- I hope whoever filmed this video called the police...
Drunk Guy Gets Instant Karma After Trying To Run Out...
- When trying to dip out on your cab backfires!
Instead Of Calling The Police On A Drunk Driver This...
- This guy obviously didn't want to get this guy...
Entitled BMW Owner Threatens A School Bus Driver...
- Sadly, this is just what you expect from people who...
Reckless Asshole Gets What He Had Coming To Him
- This is what you get for acting like a total douche!
Family Livestreams A Drunk Driver Crashing Into...
- This family could have prevented a car accident, but...
Hungarian Truck Passing Through France Can Hardly...
- This truck driver has a few choice words for the...
Father of Killed 2 Year Old Throws Chair At Judge...
- A driver who killed his 2-year-old daughter and her...
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