29 Simple Yet Infuriating Things
- Stuff that will make you explode with rage, deep...
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15 Fabulous Facebook Wins and Fails
- Hilarious Facebook posts that will make you laugh.
18 People Who Will Make You Cringe
- Not everyone has the whole socializing thing quite...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Nothing cures a weekend hangover like a fresh batch of...
21 Expert Liars On Facebook
- The people weave a tangled web of lies.
15 Facebook Fails To Crack You Up
- Hilarious fails posted to Facebook.
24 Simple Yet Infuriating Things
- From things out of place to people who will make you...
20 People Who Will Make You Cringe
- The type of people who make it awkward to around.
18 Facebook Fails That Will Drive You Mad
- Just be happy you are not one of these people.
21 Of The Dumbest Guys On Facebook
- These guys will have you face-palming in a major way.
25 People Who Fell For An Onion Story
- Gullible people getting upset over ridiculous fake...
16 Funny Facebook Moments
- Entertaining posts seen on everyone's favorite social...
24 People Who Stand Out on Social Media
- Social media is not a diary, but you need to vent...
'Jim'll Paint It' Is The Best New Service On The...
- Jim takes request via Facebook to paint anything, and...
17 People on Facebook Who Don't Know the Meaning of...
- They just let it all hang out online.
19 People Guaranteed To Make You Cringe
- These internet users succeeded at being "cringeworthy".
24 Old People Facebook Fails
- You need to applaud them for trying though.
19 People Going Mental on Facebook
- Strange individuals being weird, creepy, or generally...
34 Facebook Wins And Fails
- Another batch of WTF from your favorite social network
Girl Exposes Cheating Boyfriend on Facebook, But He...
- She calls him out and his response is epic.
21 Facebook Wins and Fails
- Time for some more hilarious Facebook posts.
20 Facebook Fails of Maximum Stupidity
- Some of the dumbest and most embarrassing Facebook...
29 Cringeworthy Posts on Social Media
- More folks that need to learn that some things you...
21 People Guaranteed To Make You Cringe
- These folks haven't learned that some things you just...
18 Ridiculously Hilarious Facebook Posts
- More epic-proportion Facebook wins and fails.
20 Funny Facebook Photo Comments
- Facebook photo comments guaranteed to make you laugh.
Facebook Post About Man's Wife Cheating With His...
- His wife's response changes everything.
19 People Who Will Make You Cringe
- These internet users succeeded at being "cringeworthy".
Groupon Tried To Sell This Chain Cleaner
- They offered a deal on a bike chain cleaner and...
23 People Who Will Make You Cringe
- These internet users succeeded at being "cringeworthy"
30 Facebook Posts Worth Your Time
- Funny facebook posts worth reading.
30 Facebook Posts Worth Your Time
- Funny facebook posts worth reading.
Retired Veteran Owns The US Armed Forces
- A 60 year old veteran explains why he's not too old to...
20 Facebook Fails That'll Make You Cringe
- Facebook is like a giant database of everything that's...
8 Things That May Make You Afraid To Use The Internet
- Show this to anyone who tells you that their online...
21 Moms Embarrassing Their Kids Online
- These are the risks you take when you're friends with...
22 Glorious Facebook Fails
- Your latest installment of total fail on Facebook.
25 Times People Got Burned
- Funny insults that went down on social media.
Guy Gets Thrown Out of School For Wearing a Dress
- Was what he did really such a big deal?
28 People Getting Owned Online
- People on social media that have to be rushed to the...
eBaum's Picks