Facebook's New Hug Emoji is Brewing A Storm of New...
- Facebook's new emoji reaction was a meme format...
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21 Confident Posts That Aged Terribly
- Sometimes that magic crystal ball isn't as polished as...
Science Deniers Expose Themselves and Their Failed...
- It's no surprise that anti-science and straight up...
16 WTF and Crazy Posts Seen Online
- Some people have no filter and no common sense.
32 Celebrity Versions of the #DollyPartonChallenge
- The Dolly Parton Challenge is a viral meme...
25 Insane People Who Need to Get Off Facebook...
- From flat earthers to anti-vaxx parents these insane...
Criminal Responds To His Own Wanted Posting on...
- Welcome to the 21st century, where instead of flying...
Woman Gets Okay Boomered on FB Marketplace and Calls...
- A dress sale goes wrong on Facebook Marketplace as...
26 Entitled Influencers Who Were a Total Joke
- We live in a weird climate where people who have a...
A Tesla's On-board Camera Catches a Woman Keying a...
- A man's car was keyed while he was at his daughter's...
Interesting Facts About Popular Companies and Products
- Little bits of information about brands and products...
Marine in Training Catches His Girlfriend Cheating by...
- While away at boot camp this guy discovered his girl...
Lady Offers Her Body in Exchange for a Dude's Used...
- A guy attempting to sell his Pontiac Grand Prix got an...
Man Pretends to be Customer Support and Trolls People...
- They always said "trolling is a art form" and this man...
Gun Store Skirts Around Facebook's Stringent Rules
- Get more bang for your buck!
Anti-Vaxxer Mom Rants About Back To School Vaccines On...
- Stupid anit-vaxxer mom gets upset about a Facebook...
Racist Teen Backpedals After Being Called Out For...
- These girls filmed themselves saying they wished the...
This Facebook Scammer Just Sent A Friend Request To...
- This scammer was really hoping to get some information...
Chicago Man Shames Library Pedo On Facebook Live
- Not all heroes wear capes.
Rival Area 51 Event, "Storm the Bermuda Triangle"...
- It's party time!
Creator Of The "Storm Area 51" Event Shows Off His...
- Spoiler Alert: It's pretty bad.
Facebook and Google Know What Porn You're Watching,...
- All your dirty secrets and strange fetishes are...
Car Owner Tracks Down Thieves and Live Streams...
- Thieves steal car and wallet from owner of a Pet...
20 Company Logos If They Were Actually Honest
- Famous Companies and Mega-Brands get a logo makeover...
Over One Million People Are Planning to Storm Area 51...
- Grab your Monster Energy drinks and head to Area 51 on...
28 Awkward Images That Bring the Cringe
- These pics of flubs, faux pas, and fails will make you...
30 Random Memes That Will Make You Bust A Gut
- Strap up and take your sense of feelings for a joy...
Dad Addicted To Facebook Has Become A Full Blown...
- This guy is all of us in 20 years!
Guy's Worst Fear About Getting Tazed Comes True
- This will surely hit any man in the feels! When you...
28 Random Memes That are Just What You Need
- Take a break from everything and check out some fresh...
Facebook Co-Founder Chris Hughes Thinks Facebook Needs...
- Is Facebook too big to fail? And should it be...
Do You See Jesus In The Notre Dame Fire?
- A woman claims she can 'see Jesus' in the flames of...
'Feeling Cute, Might Gas Some Inmates Today' - The...
- The feeling cute challenge has become a huge thing on...
Facebook Roasts the Hell Out Of Short Legged Suspect...
- Instead of helping the police locate the criminal,...
52 Funny Memes And Excellent Pics To Make Your Weekend...
- The weekend is the perfect time to relax and unwind so...
Memes and Reactions from the Facebook and Instagram...
- This morning Facebook and Instagram both went down...
30 Pics and Memes That Will Make You Cringe Your Jeans
- Get your foreheads ready for a fresh dose of facepalm...
Woman Gets Shot on Facebook Live
- After a heated argument, a woman in a car pulled the...
Scumbag Killed Someone For an Xbox and Kept Posting on...
- A Chatanooga man posted very public facebook statuses...
Dan Bilzerian Proves Once Again He's Out Here Living...
- Talk about living the dream!
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