BMX Rider Swan Dives Into Concrete
- BMX rider Greg Henry takes a header during a wall ride...
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BMX Rider Saves Himself From A Faceplant
- Joe Ellis tried to do this rail and took one of the...
Dude On BMX Knocks Himself Out Cold
- Always wear a helmet, kiddies.
Skater Introduces His Face To The Rail
- Landing on your jaw is never how you want a skate...
Dude Faceplants On BMX Bike
- Face meet pavement, pavement meet face.
Little Kid's Stair Surfing Ends Painfully
- Mom and dad probably should have said no to this...
Cop Runs Down Suspect And Tackles Him
- Impressive catch-up speed from this officer ends a...
Ice Skating Faceplant
- This guy tries to pull a smooth move but ends up...
Man Faceplants Full Speed Into Glass Door
- Oy Ve' it knocked his Yarmulke clean off.
Curb Jump Ends With A Faceplant
- Kid biffs it hard on what should've been a pretty easy...
Attempted Creek Jump Ends With Faceplant
- If you faceplant in the woods, and no one hears it,...
Skull Crushing BMX Crash
- A backflip on a sketchy kicker goes terribly wrong.
Detroit Red Wings Fan's Videobomb Fail
- This guy's first fail of the new year was seen on...
The Best Fails Of 2013
- A MASSIVE collection of the best of fail!
BMX Guy Faceplants Off Indoor Ramp
- BMX'er tries to do a flip off an indoor ramp but fails.
Arkansas Front Flip
- This is how us Arkansans do it at the beach.
Reporter Faceplants During Live Broadcast
- She was on the scene this morning to test it out the...
Bike Ramp Face Plant
- A guy attempts to jump a homemade ramp and gets a...
Little Kid's First Walk On Ice
- She looks like a robot shutting down after that slip.
Scooter Jump Massive Faceplant
- Thanks to all the safety equipment he had on he was...
Best Of The Month: October 2013
- Best head to the shelter because the BOM has been...
Trophy Photo Ends With Broken Trophy
- A celebration fail leaves them with a broken trophy...
A Rookie's Parkour Faceplant
- Face first right in the ground. that's gonna leave a...
Faceplant During Live News Broadcast
- A news staffer faceplants in the background to start...
Man Gracefully Takes Out Kid At Wedding
- A slide on the dance floor leaves this guy looking...
Dance Practice Partner Flip Goes Wrong
- This guy doesn't quite have it down and puts his...
A Cheerleader's Faceplant
- Some girls practice their cheer routine but one ends...
Moving Car Jump Goes Very Wrong
- A painful attempt to run over a moving car ends with a...
Self Inflicted Faceplant
- Cutbone plants his face on a steel chair from a set of...
Painful Fire Wall Faceplant
- Off a truck, into a fiery wall, and 3rd degree burns.
Wannabe Trapeze Girl Falls Off Swingset
- Just showing dad her skills, when as her routine ends...
Best Of The Month: August 2013
- The BOM has been dropped, a collection of great clips...
These Guys Fail At Jumping A Car
- 10 different guys try to jump over a moving car and...
Drunk Man Vs. Hula Hoop
- A drunk man attempts to hula-hoop but ends up...
Girl On Longboard Faceplants
- A girl is being towed on a longboard when suddenly...
Cyclists Faceplant During Race
- A cyclist suffers a public and humiliating faceplant...
Roof Jump Ends With Epic Faceplant
- He slipped and ended up the recipient of a massive...
A Drunk Girl Goes Down Hard
- A wasted chick knocks over a table, faceplants, then...
Parkour Fail In Slo-Mo
- He just wanted to take a really close look at the...
It's A Beautiful Day For A Faceplant
- While trying to avoid the mud, this lady does the...
eBaum's Picks