Aussies Show How They Deal With ‘No Shoes, No...
- Any excuse to take the dogs out!
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Dude Shows His Mom His Tattoo Right Before He Leaves...
- If she doesn’t like it, too bad!
This Man Is Trying to Give Himself the World’s Most...
- And he’s a homeowner!
Man Explains How He Got Divorced Over ‘Yu-Gi-Oh’
- Let the man play Yu-Gi-Oh!
Field Goal Bonks Ref on the Head
- That’ll be 3 points (off his IQ).
Cops Arrest Thieves Casually Walking Out with Cash...
- You guys…didn’t really think this one out, did you?
Dude on Motorcycle Just Misses Being Hit By Train
- For the last time, you’re not going to beat the...
Person Really Tries and Really Fails to Park Without...
- Driving isn’t for everyone.
Dude Tries to Rob Store, Messes Up, Then Runs Out...
- How embarrassing!
Man Doing Karaoke Gets Hit with a Shock
- I’ve heard about a hot mic before, but this is...
Asshole Steps on Stingray, Gets Stung By Stingray
- This instant karma took a few seconds.
Church Drummer Gets Sign from God to Stop
- The message came down from on high that you suck.
Dude Being Chased by Cop Car Gets Away Using Super...
- Two can play at this game!
Kid Gets Into Elevator, Takes a Piss All Over the...
- Kids: you gotta love ‘em.
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Fry a Turkey
- Every year, some people make the stupid mistake of...
Dude Reverses Into Gas Pump, Causes Small Explosion
- I need an extinguisher on pump five, please!
Dudes Stop Street Fight to Let Ambulance Pass, Then...
- Just dudes being dudes.
18 More People Who Tried and Failed to Deep Fry Their...
- We're thankful that these folks aren't us.
Woman Hits Car, Does Not Handle Being Asked for Her...
- If you can’t pay for the crime, well, don’t do it.
Watch a Bunch of Bowlers Forget to Let Go of the Ball
- Rule #1 of bowling: let go of the damn ball.
Delivery Robot Gets Nervous, Holds Up Massive Lane of...
- It’s okay, little buddy — just get your ass out of...
Trucks Really Acting Like They Want This Driver Dead
- Hey guys, do you mind knocking that shit off?
This House Keeps Getting Flooded with Amazon Orders...
- If you’ve ever lost a package, this is probably...
Woman Hops Through Drive-Thru Window After Restaurant...
- At this point, I think you’ve just got to give her...
We’ve Just Witnessed the First Ever Flop on a Free...
- If you’re a basketball player, you’ve gotta have...
Another Dumbass Paid Millions for a Duct-Taped Banana
- And the new owner says he plans to eat it. Art!
55 Hilariously Bad Design Fails and Production Mishaps...
- A gentle reminder that design isn’t always about...
Dude Somehow Doesn’t Realize He’s Dragging a...
- That’s really not how you do that.
Kid’s First Motorbike Ride Is Also His First...
- As a parent, it can be difficult to say no to your...
This Micro Apartment Shows Our Future, and It’s...
- Nothing like waking up to the smell of the toilet!
Truck Driver Unloads Dirt (And Himself) Down a Hill
- Silver lining: your dirt delivery came with a free...
Truck Driver Unloads Dirt (And Himself) Down a Hill
- Silver lining: your dirt delivery came with a free...
Literal Child Pumps and Dumps Cryptocurrency On...
- Surely this economy can’t last for much longer.
Woman Chirps TikToker Taking Selfie, and They End Up...
- You hate to side with an influencer, but here, she’s...
Dude Rates Garbage Trucks Based on How Good They Are...
- Everything is automated these days.
Woman Tries to Knock Dish Out of Man’s Hand, Gets It...
- Less of a food fight and more of a food facepalm.
Drunk Woman Crashes Directly Into Someone’s House
- She’s in for one hell of a hangover.
Woman’s ‘Farmer’s Daughter’ TikTok Is Unhinged
- Country girls make do, I guess.
Rescue Team Doing Drill Gets Caught in an Avalanche
- Talk about getting ready for the job!
Woman Fixes Her Lactose Intolerance by Chugging...
- It worked, at least.
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