Deer Flattens Dude in Fast Food Parking Lot
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They Found a Rat with a Massive Ass
- Finally, we’ve found it: a caked-up rat.
People Everyone Thought Were Fat Back in 2008
- Ahhh, the early 2000s. An era defined by butterfly...
The Most Unprofessional Things Doctors Have Ever Said
- Some doctors are better than others. But we expect...
22 People and Things We’ve Lost All Sympathy For
- We generally try to abide by the motto "live and let...
20 Controversial Items That People Actually Own
- What if you had something awesome in your home but you...
25 Things You NEVER Want to Say to Your Girlfriend
- If you've landed a girlfriend, that puts you ahead of...
600 lb. Woman Anxiously Watches Her Boyfriend Eat...
- This family looks healthy.
Kid Slips Something Extra at End of Birthday Song
- The husband doth protest too quickly. This kid has a...
Lizzo Gets Called Fat By a Fitness Instructor and The...
- Jillian Michaels caused quite the stir when she went...
Big Girl Takes a Tumble After Sitting on a Sink Counter
- Well, that went pretty much exactly how I expected it...
Fat Duck Eats Blueberries With Yoshi Sound Effects
- This is incredibly silly, but it definitely made me...
Twenty People Who Completely Transformed Their Bodies
- With hard work and dedication, these folks went from...
Ladies Who Made Incredible Body Transformations (26...
- If you put in the time and the effort, anything is...
31 Memes That Will Make You Smile Till It Hurts
- I’d like to pass the smiles on to you. Don't worry...
65-Year-Old Woman Hits 300 Pound Attacker With...
- It was early Sunday morning when 65-year-old Clarese...
Fat Dude Destroys a Kid's Indoor Obstacle Course......
- Might be slightly over the weight limit for this...
33 Random Internet Delights That Will Improve Your Mood
- Dive in and enjoy the day.
This is What Happens When You're Too Large to Ride a...
- That poor horse.
Joe Rogan Weighs in on the Controversial Cosmopolitan...
- When will this lunacy come to an end.
Angry Man Rages At Fat Passenger During Road Rage...
- "Fat piece of bacon" is the insult of the century.
Horses Weight Capacity Has Been Exceeded
Memes are Now Being Blamed for the Obesity Crisis
- I mean if you spend all day sitting down looking at...
Rude Woman On An Airplane Gets A Heavy Dose Of Instant...
- She didn't want sit next to a crying baby and decided...
Contest Closed
Caption Contest #181 : Enter For A Chance To Win $50 / 0 Submissions
- Welcome to the eBaum's World Caption Contest #181 -...
Lady's Food Court Freakout is America
- This is America.
Fat Lady Rages At Taco Bell Because She Wants MORE...
- And the dude filming lets her know how hilarious she...
Vice Featured a Fat-Positive 'Movement' and the...
- They were especially amused by the shirts that the...
Massive 300 Pound Man Lands a Trick Most Can't
- Some lean athletes don't even have this much physical...
Woman Attempts To Zip Line and Falls Into The Abyss
- Holding on is pretty key component to the zip line...
Women Sues Amusement Park Because She's Too Fat For...
- She was too big to fit on the rides and so now she's...
This Trump Conspiracy Theory Will Crack You Up
- After President Trump's first official physical as...
Police Horse Enjoys A Dance Off To Some New Orleans...
- You just got served... by a horse!
Squirrel Doesn't Like Guy Talking Trash About Him
- Who you calling fat IDIOT!
Plus Size Dancer Shows Off Astounding Talent
- Erik Cavanaugh is “on a mission” to break down the...
Cop In Little Shirt Just Can't Break That Window
- Go have another donut, build that strength back up.
Russian Woman Has Epic Rope Swing Fail
- You're supposed to hit the water . . .
500lb Man Goes Down Huge Waterslide At The Gathering...
- Behold this man's stomach rolls in all their...
Chunky Fighter Makes Quick Work of His Opponents
- Watch these muscular athletes go down one by one under...
Guy Loses Over 150 Pounds After He Caught His...
- Now that's what we call motivation folks!
eBaum's Picks