Fat Ho Burgers
- Word, lemme get a supa dupa fly burger.
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WTF Dive
- The whale dive
Subway Brawl Over Spaghetti
- I was on this Subway, Spaghetti was flying everywhere!
World's Greatest Extra
- He's been in practically every movie or tv show you've...
Elated Fan in Pink Shirt Freaks Out
- Caption this
Fat Boy Jumps Over Dog Cage
- Hope the dog is okay. Jump to 3:10 for the action
Hot Chick Gets Down
- Imagine the possibilities...
I Got That!
- He got it alright, good timing.
Woman Has A Paralyzing Fear Of Heights
- The only thing she should be afraid of is that...
400 Pounds of Failure
- A fat man uses his head ....as a battering ram.
Worst Referee Ever
- Someone get him a pulled pork sandwich
New World Record For Quarters In Belly Button
- A bet this will get him all the girls
Fat Women Wants Too Get Fatter
- Idk wtf kilos are but damn that's enough food too feed...
When am I Gonna Poop
- quit eating all the cheese, and you'll poo just fine
Chuck Norris Corndog
- my arteries arn't the only thing hardening
How Fat People Get Up
- The step by step process...
Fat Montage
- Funny Fat People.
Girl Getting Annoyed At AutoTune
- Almost got it right at the end.
Fat Kid Falls Through Roof
- Either lay off the donuts or don't walk on the roof,...
Chariots Of Chub
- Two fat guys have a foot race for ten bucks. The...
Fat Cat Song
- Song for all you fat cats out there.
Fat Cat Climbs Into Pot
- A Pot, Climbs Into A Pot.
WayBack Whensday: Big Girl Ballet Dancer
- Classic: She's as graceful as a hippopotamus.
Agro Kid Attacks Guy Twice His Size In Nerd Rage Fight
- A cringworthy fight that is a pleasure to watch.
LOL - Gotta Love These Trekkies
- I almost feel sad for this poor bastard - no, this is...
Fat Guy Dances At Bar
- Just let it happen he's going nuts.
Fat Guy Vs Fence
- An argument breaks out between a teenage kid and this...
Fat Guy Always on Television
- Mysterious British man always appears in the...
Scream Scare
- Description from youtube: My brother is taking a nap...
Fat Kid Gets Owned By Slap
- Prescription: Big Mac, Double Down, and Baconator and...
Fat Gay Cheerleader Fail
- Fattie screams like a girl on wipeout.
Muffins Anyone?
- Muffin Top: When a woman wears a pair of tight jeans...
Live News Reporter Falls on Kid
- At Skate Camp, what a fat bastard.
Fat Kid Goes Insane
- After getting air horned in the face. I wish it was a...
Airsoft Gun Pwnage!
- Fat kid gets sprayed... OUCH
Table Dancing Fail
- predictable but funny
WOW Addict Pushed To The Edge
- Believe it or not, It's a female.
Run For It Fat Man!
- dude narrowly escapes death
Alex Halfpipe
- This kid shreds
Praise the Lard!
- For the love of Bacon!
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