Irish Hooligan Breaks Arm Off 100-Year-Old Brussels...
- An Irish tourist nabbed one heck of a souvenir during...
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19 of the Funniest Tweets from September 15th, 2023
- From the Mexican alien, to the VMAs, people had to...
'That Makes Sense' - 42 Examples of Absurd Video Game...
- Oh, there is a stick in my path? I'll go around.
‘No Decks, No Problem’: DJ Caught Faking Set At...
- DJs tend to get a bad rap. Earlier this year, in fact,...
Teachers Are Struggling to Handle Kids Who Think 9/11...
- Here’s a terrifying thought: There are kids walking...
23 Funny Memes and Pics to Kickstart the Weekend
- Start the weekend off on the right foot with a fresh...
‘Wrigley Never Taps’: The Man-Dog Duo Teaching...
- If you’ve ever wanted to learn Jiu-Jitsu, TikTok’s...
35 9/11 Tweets That Shouldn’t Make Us Laugh, But Do
- In twenty-two years, our nation's relationship with...
The Era of the Soyface Has Ended – According to...
- If you’ve spent any time on the internet in the past...
Man Suffocated a Spotted Lanternfly With His Butt
- The Spotted Lanternfly has invaded the East Coast and...
Woman Attends the ‘You Don’t Need Glasses...
- Samantha Lotus is an anti-glasses grifter who went...
20 of the Funniest Tweets From Today September 11, 2023
- The Twitter machine stops for nothing.
Monday Morning Randomness - 38 Great Pics and Funny...
- Extend your weekend for a few extra moments with a big...
40 Fun Randoms For Your Enjoyment
- Fun randoms to help you pass the time.
New Jersey Man Arrested for Terrorizing His Neighbors...
- If you live in the Absecon, New Jersey area and have a...
Social Media Interns Are Judging Your Horny DMs to...
- Free speech is an important right, enshrined in the...
30 Funny Posts From the Greatest Sh*tposters Living
- Here are some hilarious memes from the best...
43 Fabulous Photos For Your Viewing Pleasure
- Wish you were somewhere else? Well now you can pretend...
12 Failed Stage Dives That Resulted in a Faceplant
- In theory, a stage dive is a pretty simple act....
21 of the Funniest Tweets From Today September 7, 2023
- The world keeps spinnin' and tweeters keep tweetin'.
Trucker Jackknifes His Trailer in an Attempt to Reach...
- One trucker proved the integral importance of front...
27 Fresh Pics and Memes To Chill With
- The weekend has come and with it so have memes.
49 Fascinating Photos and Cool Randoms To Totally...
- Fun images and pics full of wow and wonder.
34 Funny Memes and Rad Randoms To Take A Break With
- Take a seat, kick your feet up, and chill out with...
Monday Morning Randomness: 37 Nifty Pics and Funny...
- A batch of funny memes, and random pics to extend your...
31 Funny Tweets From the Brilliant Minds of Twitter
- Kick back and enjoy some funny tweets.
TikToker’s Vlog Gets Cut Short When Police Attempt...
- Hey, guys! Just here outside of the mall after work...
Watch These People Scream Their Heads Off While...
- Do you think they're regretting their decisions yet?
‘Bottle Wars’: The Newest Flex Is Wasting...
- When most people go to the club, they buy alcohol so...
DoorDasher Almost Shoots His Dick Off While Waiting...
- If you want to have a gun, that’s your right as an...
Notre Dame Podcast Host Exits Live Show After Shitting...
- The paradox of shitting is that there is no “good”...
‘Do You Substitute Baking Powder with Viagra?’:...
- Cooking isn’t for everyone; it can be incredibly...
Nebraska Cops Pull Over Man With A Full-Sized Bull...
- One Nebraska man was caught committing one heck of a...
'She Ain’t Doing Sh**': Dua Lipa 'Cooks' Shrimp on a...
- Dua Lipa has been posting about her seemingly endless...
‘You’re on the Wrong Side of the Road!’: Karens...
- Two Arizona women put the long-debated “Irresistible...
'We Can’t Have Auntie on the Floor': Woman Crashes...
- “We can’t have Auntie on the floor,” says the DJ...
This Slideshow on the Ten Commandments Makes Religious...
- Enter: powerpoints. Powerpoint nights are an...
Twitter Highlights: Funny Tweets From Today September...
- You're going to like the way you laugh, we guarantee...
40 Awesome Pics to Make Your Day
- What better way to satisfy your negligent attention...
I'm Done: 18 Fed Up Workers Who Quit on the Spot
- There's no greater feeling than telling them off and...
eBaum's Picks