Kid Vs Fun House Mirror
- Head meet wall.
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Rubber Glove Experiment Goes Wrong
- Well, that escalated quickly...
Glass-Shattering Breakdance Fail
- Thats seven years bad luck, not to mention eternal...
You Should Always Wear A Seat-Belt When Muddin'
- You could end up with a headache and a broken...
Drunk Girl Doesn't See Bus Stop Glass
- At least she had a smashing time...
Drunk Girl Doesn't See Bus Stop Glass
- At least she had a smashing time...
Indoor Parkour Fail
- His mom is going to be pissed!
A Mall's Shark Tank Explodes In Front Of Spectators
- Security cameras at a mall in Beijing capture the...
What Happens If You Cheat On a Redhead?
- This guy found out the hard way!
Sculptures Made Of Glass
- Some pretty awesome glass sculptures.
Glass Sculpture Created In Seconds
- Sweet. I need this guy to make my next piece.
Drunk Irish Superman Vs Glass Window
- Another Darwin Award candidate! *Squeamish Warning*
Super Mario Bros Theme Played On Wine Glass!
- Well Done!
Automatic Glass Door Fail
- Door = 1, girl = 0
Project Glass By Google
- Shut up and take my money, Google.
Kid Falls Through Glass Table
- It get's real when mom and dad come in!
Chimp and Baby Encounter
- A baby meets a chimp thats having a bad day.
Guy Runs Through Glass Door with Camera
- Guy runs through glass door with camera in his hand.
Chick Has Orgasm By Wink and Tap of Glass By Giroux
- Hopefully she's not pregnant.
Nerds Test Out Military Grade Bullet Proof Glass
- First shot is 300 win. mag, second is 30-06, then 50...
Man Walks Thru Glass Doors
- Doors? Who needs doors
Making Fire From Ice
- But wouldn't the light get cold?
Boy vs Glass Door
- He just got smarter!
Basketball Dunk Fail
- He didn't even get the ball in the hoop
Sleeping Against The Glass FAIL
- Could be a win as he actually got his bus!
Justin Bieber Revolving Door Fail
- Whines like a girl for a bit too.
Grab Your Beer and Fear the Deer
- two deers burst threw a glass door in a Wisconsin bar...
People Vs. Glass Doors
- compilation of people walking into glass doors
Bulletproof Glass Saves Soldier
- Sniper attempts to shoot soldier but the glass saves...
Idiot vs Glass Door
- Poor latte
Glass Harp
- Street musician has some awesome skills.
Breaking Glass With Voice
- Guy singing breaks a glass by singing high notes
Boogy Board Down the Stairs
- Guy Successfully Makes it Down The Downs on his Sled...
Kitten Vs a Glass of Tea
- We're Really Running Out Of Things For Kittens To...
Drunk Girl on a Glass Table
- Drunk dancing on a glass table. We all know this will...
Clean Glass Prank
- the glass is so clean people don't know its there
Backyard Sake Bombs!
- Some idiots do Sake bombs on a glass table, duh.
Dime In Shot Glass Trick
- Mad skills for one of the hardest trick shots in pool!
Massive Hockey Hit
- This hockey check breaks the pane of glass.
Glass Harp
- This probably would be the only person I'd give money...
eBaum's Picks