40 Memes Dank Enough to Give a Contact High
- Maybe don't operate any heavy machinery for a while.
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33 Dank Memes Our Boss Kept Locked In His Office
- I know I should look for another job, but the memes...
40 Fresh Memes of the Dankest Kind
- Isn't it weird that memes can be fresh AND dank? Yeah,...
Signs of the Times: 35 Hilariously Absurd Signs That...
- Signs are useful things that provide us with...
27 Cringe Pics from Planet WTF
- Get your motivation to exercise by walking off the...
27 Cursed Things No One Asked For
- Absolutely no one asked for any of these things to...
35 Dank Memes That Need a Stiff Drink
- It's been a long week, and these dank memes have been...
Bob Odenkirk Being the Most Under-Appreciated Comedic...
- Revisiting one of comedy's best dudes.
53 Dank Memes and Funny Pics For Bored Minds
- Since we all still have a few days to push through...
Dog Faceplants Obstacle, Loses Will to Live
- When you fail so hard you're forced to rethink every...
31 WTF Ways the Universe Screwed a Single Person
- When you roll a 1 in luck.
33 Dank Memes That Won't Specify What They Did In Reno
- We've tried asking many times, but they just won't say.
30 People Who Were Oddly Specific
- You're clearly hiding something.
35 Funny Pics of Things Going So, So Wrong
- When it hits the fan.
30 People Who Got Literally What They Asked For
- Fine examples of delicious compliance.
44 Dank Memes My Boss Hates
- He didn't want me posting these but screw you, Daryl,...
33 Gaming Memes to Take a Break With
- Funny memes and stupid jokes are what we do here, so...
30 Hilarious Tweets to Test Laughter Reflexes
- Unfiltered thoughts that caused chaos.
34 Dank Memes We Snuck In Our Prison Wallets
- You do what you have to when you're goin' upstate.
25 Dad Jokes That Are Excruciatingly Good
- Puns that will make you squirm.
35 Dank Memes We're Just Holding For a Friend
- Seriously, we didn't even know what these were, we...
Isaac Mizrahi and Shawn Killinger Argue Whether Moon...
- Fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi and Shawn Killinger...
39 Dank Memes That Gave Zero F**ks
- They're good memes at heart, but they don't care what...
33 Dank Memes That'll Get Us Fired
- These dank memes were... 'acquired'... from some...
Dank Memes For Gamers Who Never Lost Their Spark
- Nothing quite like a quick match on a long day...
38 Dank Memes That Are Better Than Staring at a Wall
- I don't like to make such definitive statements, but I...
29 Funny Tweets that are Bringing the Heat
- Check out this collection of funny tweets, jokes, and...
29 Pics So WTF The Internet Spat Them Back Out
- Don't look these pics in the eye.
49 Damn Fine Memes and Pics Fished out of the Meme...
- Put the day on pause and check out this big batch of...
37 Golden Tweets to Exercise Your Laughter Muscles
- It's time to have some Twitter fun.
61 Unlucky Folks Who Got Unfairly Singled Out by the...
- While we don't know if these people are actually good...
30 Marriage Memes That Are Uncomfortably True
- You might be able to relate.
30 Photos Where The Background Was The Best Part
- This was totally unexpected.
30 Images Way More Hilarious Than They Should've Been
- Humor is everywhere. You just have to keep your eyes...
Unstoppable Mountain of a Man Shrugs Off Two Fully...
- These two cops got more than they bargained for when...
36 Funny Memes to Bust a Gut With
- Careful with this batch of dangerously straightforward...
28 Funny Memes and Pics From the Games That We Play
- If you're here looking for memes, then you've come to...
40 Memes So Dank, You'll Wanna Smoke 'Em (But...
- When something is this packed with dankness, the urge...
19 Tattooed People Who Don't Understand What Permanent...
- I look forward to seeing these folks on one of those...
British MP Asks "Hard" Question, Gets Uno Reverse Card...
- Claudia Webbe, a Minister of Parliament from the...
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