Cat Really Wants To Come Inside
- Next time just open the door, dumb human!
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Kenyan High School - The High Jump
- Some students in Kenya show off their impressive...
14 Year Old Covers Eruption
- Eddie Van Halen would be proud!
Guy Has Insane DDR Skills!
- Lightning fast footwork!
Taxidermist With A Nightmarish Twist
- Taxidermy at it's weirdest...
Awesome Post-It Note Stop Motion Arcade
- 2,304 hours well spent!
Adam Miller's Gainer Backflip Down 6 Stairs
- He goes for the trick and sticks the landing!
Impressive Sign Flipping Skills
- Sign guy takes his job seriously, and gets some help...
10 More Bets You Will Always Win
- Shut up and take more of their money!
The Reverse Get-away
- A driver in South Korea demonstrates some quick...
Keion Bell Dunks Over 6 People
- He's got serious "ups"!
4yo Boy Plays Piano Better Than Master
- Piano level: Pro.
Scary Ass Walrus Will Haunt Your Nightmares
- Well it's not really music, but his vocalizations are...
Wall Climbing Backpack
- Students invent Spiderman Suit for the Military.
Impressive Entry into the Gas Station
- He said, "Come in through the doOOooor!"
Baby Bouldering
- This really explains how he got out of his crib in the...
Flying a Jet Sky High
- HD video of Jets Flying High!! I wanna fly now!
Dude is a Wizard
- impressive cup stacking
Siberian Micro-Art
- Russian artist makes art that is only visible through...
A Guitar? No, it's A Spaceship!
- Actually, it's a harp guitar. Andy McKee plays his...
4 hands 1 Guitar
- 1 guy. 1 girl. 1 guitar. Let the fun begin!
DMCA - Dolphins Have Developed an Impressive Fishing...
- Those Dolphins Are Smarter Than Most Humans
Cat Elevator
- Going Up.
ATV Drives 400 Feet Over Water
- Don't fight it, just be impressed.
Impressive Climb
- Now This Is An All Terrain Vehicle
Impressive Photos
- Check out these Impressive Photos.
Guy Chugs 1 Gallon of Milk in 42 Seconds
- This just amazing talent!!
eBaum's Picks