A Wedding Turned Into A Funeral: More Than 100 Dead...
- One Iraqi wedding ended in tragedy after a fire killed...
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George Bush's Awkward Freudian Slip Lands Him in Hot...
- Dubya practically invited a landslide of trolls this...
22 Examples of Propaganda Working as Expected
- Propaganda is just a part of our daily lives now. We...
Controversial Game 'Six Days In Fallujah' Confirmed...
- According to this game developer, the Iraq War wasn't...
Controversial Game 'Six Days In Fallujah' Confirmed...
- According to this game developer, the Iraq War wasn't...
Fight with Iran Was Planned Out Shortly After 9/11,...
- War is a business, and business has been booming for...
F-16 Pilot Dodges Not 1 But 6 Iraqi Surface To Air...
- It's hard to tell what's going on, but if you listen...
Ex-Green Beret Runs Through ISIS Gunfire To Save A...
- A former U.S. special ops solider turned volunteer ...
Soldier Calmly Returns Fire While Getting Lit Up By...
- Meanwhile fighting against ISIS in Iraq...
Does This Video Show Iraqis Staging The Aftermath Of A...
- Or is there another explanation?
Stunning Pics From The Front Line In The Battle...
- Take a close-up look at the Battle for Mosul.
Car-Bomb Shockwave Caught On Camera
- A camera captures the instant a car-bomb explodes on...
War Through The Eyes Of A Soldier
- A soldier narrates a video diary of his time spent in...
MEN IN BLACK: Operation Homecoming
- A true story as told by soldier Colby Buzzell about...
How Hot Does It Get In Iraq
- Now that's hot bro...!!!
What Happens To Bored Marines and Soldiers
- Standing post for 12 - 24 hours a day can do a number...
Skater Drop In For Lil Wayne's Stripper Money
- 5Boro professional skater Willy Akers takes Lil...
US Troops Fire Tracer Rounds
- US troops in Iraq just before the war ended getting...
Happy Hanukkah
- Jewish People Hitting The Dougie For Hannukah
Amazing Parkour Skills
- he is just too epic bruhhh...
- HD, refurbished, smoothed, retimed, denoised,...
How To Get Candy When You're Too Old To Trick or Treat
- that's how it's done..
Sergio Ramos Fail: Real Madrid Player Drops Trophy
- what a clown
Soldier Takes a Riot Grenade to the Gut
- taxpayer money well spent!
Itsy Bitsy Taliban Fighter
- apparently there's no height requirement for terrorists
Crackhead Chunking Competition
- Should be an Olympic sport
Dance Assassin
- Nothing like scaring the shit out of little children
Van Crashes into Store
- He crashes into the store then backs up and crashes...
Skater Jumps In Front of Car
- Skater jumps down a flight of stairs and straight in...
On Thin Sea Ice In Norway
- A new Kind of Sport in Norway ? LOL
Very Sleepy Cat
- He just passes right out
Car Swerves into Biker
- 20 points!
Cavs Fan Gets In Fight With Jazz Mascot
- Cleveland Cavs fans are very touchy. They don't like...
UFC Fighter With Metal Hands
- This seems perfectly fair to me
Intercepting Pizza-Hut Calls
- These people intercept incoming calls to pizza hut and...
New World Record For Quarters In Belly Button
- A bet this will get him all the girls
Apples to the Face Prank
- Hes not as smart as he thought
Flame Thrower Fun
- Mechanics in Iraq have some fun with a flame thrower.
Drummer a Little Too Into It
- or maybe he was just at the wrong gig
Rally Car Stunt Gone Wrong
- that was wicked!
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