I Don't Like You Mommy!
- Classic: The logic of a child....priceless.
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Strange Kid Sings
- I wish i could beat him with a 2 by 4.
Fat guy scared by baby doll
- Never let your guard down while sawing logs at your...
Kid Eats It
- son of the bench!
Father Interrupts Soccer Kid
- Wait, who is it more embarrassing for? Oh right,...
Kid Knocks Himself Out
- .....Slide Style
Ugly Elementary Teacher Has Sex With 14 Year-old...
- Wow! A fourteen year old is a student at an elementary...
Classroom Interrupted by Kid Falling Through Vent
- A Kid Interrupted Class By Crawling Through A Vent ...
Kid Smoking In China
- He smokes the whole thing like a man
- this kid gets owned by a huge snow ball
Kid Drugged Up After The Dentist
- David After Dentist
Dumb Kid Owned By Counter
- This dumb kid spins a little too recklessly and smacks...
No Cake For Adolf
- After naming their kid Adolf Hitler, a grocery store...
Door Destroys Baby
- You gave birth to him, and you broke his nose
L'il Beyonce
- Little girl dancing to L'il Beyonce
Kid Plays Guitar Hero Song on His Bike!
- You won't believe this.
Extreme Baby Gymnastics
- Great parenting there fella..
The "Whoa Lobsters" Kid
- Classic: This little boy can't decide if he wants to...
Hide The Frog
- Funny little kid hides frogs from mother.
Boy Suspended for Obama T-Shirt
- He was only trying to express his freedom of his speech
Bling Safety
- When acting gangsta' please be careful.
Kid Falls Over Home Run Fence
- So did they let him keep the ball?
Baby Jammin
- He loves this song.
Japanese Kid's Beer Commercial
- A commercial for a Japanese kid's drink sold in beer...
WayBack WHENsday: Kick His Ask
- Classic: She was asked what would happen if a monster...
Karate Kid Redubbed
- Nicely dubbed by a group of kids.
Halo Kid
- Will this be the next Internet phenom?
Kid Fails Driving Tests
- Funny video of guy failing 5 driving tests in one day!
Awful Kid Slaps His Own Mother On Dr. Phil
- This little bastard needs some serious help.
Kid Rides Bigwheel Down Stairs
- I don't think he stuck the landing!
WayBack WHENsday: Chubby Kid Has Moves
- Classic: Try and contain yourselves ladies...
Kid Shot Into Air
- Hilarious video of a kid on the Ejection Seat ride. I...
Kid Freaks Over Computer Game
- This kid goes nuts when his older brother takes him...
Amazing 10 Year Old Piano Player
- This kid is unbelievable.
Kid are all the same
- Crazy kids!
eBaum's Picks