Birthday Clown In Park Has A Hit Put On Him By Scared...
- That kid did not like the looks of the clown in the...
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Little Kids First Time Fishing Ends In Tears
- "Give me back my fish, right now!"
Justin Timberlake Responds To a Father Asking Him To...
- A father breaks the rules of the golf course to ask...
Expensive Lamborghini Gets The Old BMX Treatment
- This kid has some balls.
Parents Ask Son to Spell 'Garbage' and Aren't Pleased...
- This kid is going to ace the spelling bee.
Mom Goes Insane After Father And Son Troll The Shit...
- This is why dads are so great.
Young Dad Ruins His Child's Life On The Very First Day
- This poor kid is going to have a rough time in high...
Kid Tazes Himself And His Mom's Reaction Is Hilarious
- I ain't taking your dumb ass to the hospital!
This Kid Has An Unlimited Supply Of Swag
- He goes into full swagmode like no one is looking!
Goat Fart Scares Kid
- This kid was not expecting that!
That Moment When A Little Boy Becomes A Man...
- OOOOOH La La! Little kid distracted by a strip club...
Brilliant Kid Sticks Metal Tool Into Electrical Outlet
- Don't try this at home!
Kid Roasts Girlfriend After She Breaks Up With Him
- Crystal though she was going to dump him in front of...
Young Celtics Fan Is The Epitome of Boston Attitude
- Kid drops the f-bomb during Bulls vs. Celtics game.
Ruthless Dad Tricks His Son Into Picking Up A Fresh...
- His plan was fool proof but what he didn't expect was...
This Kid's Cover Of 'Livin' On A Prayer' Will Melt...
- Holy shit, this kid will blow your mind!
15 People Share The Worst Case Of 'Rich Kid Syndrome'...
- These maybe just jealousy, but it sounds like pure...
High School Student Saves His Choking Friend's LIfe
- After realizing his friend was choking he quickly...
Kid Crying At NCAA Game Becomes The Newest Internet...
- This poor kid is definitely hearing about this in...
15 Hilarious Parenting Memes That Every Parent Can...
- The struggle is real.
Windy Day Sends Little Girl For An Unexpected Flight
- It's remarkable she doesn't drop her phone!
Coach Notices Kid Running In Wrong Direction And...
- This is definitely not how you build up a young...
These Parents Should Be Locked Up After This Incident
- These things never end well...
This Little Kid Is An Extreme Sports Prodigy
- This boy's father has helped push his son to limit he...
High School Idiot Breaks His Ankle After Being Told To...
- She did say get down.
Guy Pretends To Be A Kid And Calls In Sick To School
- Even the folks on the other end of the line got a good...
Yeah-Yeah From 'The Sandlot' Is All Grown Up And He's...
- Remember Yeah-Yeah from "The Sandlot", well this is...
Meet The Kid Who Can Talk Backwards, Perfectly
- This is some beautiful mind shit right here.
Kid Climbs Into Street Trash Can And Falls Through...
- Where did he go?
Kid Experiences The Kick After Shooting A Shot Gun
- This little kid was left baffled and speechless.
Kid Uses His Moms Credit Card Without Permission To...
- This kid is a real piece of work.
Kid Starts Fire At Trump Protest And Owns Reporter
- His name is Conner, not Carter, and he's now known as...
Harlem Globetrotter Makes Little Kid's Day With Spin...
- Look at that happy dance!
Hockey Fans Go Crazy For Kid On Jumbotron
- Tonight, this little kid is the star!
Clever Kid Uses Hoverboard Hack To Easily Plow Snow
- This kid is going places with ideas like this!
Minecraft Kid Asks A Question We Wish We Could All...
- This poor lil guy was either crushed by a girl, or...
Kid Sprints Home From School Every Day
- What do you think is the first thing he does when he...
Skater Kid's "BYE" Is The Weirdest Thing You'll Hear...
- What the hell was that?
Man Spots A Child Speeding Down The Highway
- The kid can barely see over the steering wheel but...
This Kid Battling This Trashcan Is A Metaphor For 2016
- I think this is how most of us feel right about now.
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