Grown-Ass Woman Goes All Out During Footrace With Kids
- Somebody's a bit too competitive for this age bracket!
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The Latest Internet Trend Is Throwing Cheese Slices At...
- Have we run out of ideas?
18 Child Actors From Movies Then And Now
- Famous faces all grown up. You gotta love seeing these...
31 Fyre Festivals Memes That Are Straight Fire
- Well, the infamous Fyre Festival has become something...
Toddler's Create a Glitter Mess of Epic Proportions!
- Mom walks into a scene that is going to be a NIGHTMARE...
Kid Calls 911 Cause His Math Homework is Too Hard
- A dispatcher with the Lafayette Police Department took...
38 Pictures That Make Millennials Feel Old
- This gallery wouldn't fit on a computer from 1999. If...
Woman Finding Bugs in Her Chef Boyardee Ravioli Will...
- So disgusting.
26 Pics Frozen in Perfect Timing
- If time is a flat circle does that make finding these...
Parents Are Sharing The Times The Kids Said Some...
- Kids can be creepy af.
20 Problems Only 90s Kids Dealt With
- These might still haunt you 20 years later.
Teens Who Threw Rocks on Highway Overpass Could Get...
- Five high school students in Michigan are accused of...
Entitled Woman Asks Co-worker For a $120 Tablet for...
- Greedy woman asks for more during a gift exchange with...
23 Pics to Remind You How Dumb Kids Are
- Glad we all have cameras in our pockets to document...
Woman Got Accidentally Shot By Her Dad And Bought a...
- This story is too good not to share. A young woman...
A New Demonic Toy Chases Children As They Scream
- A new toy released by Hasbro chases kids as the scream.
These Kids Perfectly Recreated A Scene From "White Men...
- These kids got skills.
29 Kids Who Got The Funny Gene
- Some kids know how to get it done.
These 20 Pics of People Before and After Kids is the...
- How much life changes after you “get toddlered”.
These 20 Pics of People Before and After Kids is the...
- How much life changes after you “get toddlered”.
36 Times Kids Found Out They Don't Get Everything They...
- 36 reasons to never have children. Ever.
36 Times Kids Found Out They Don't Get Everything They...
- 36 reasons to never have children. Ever.
23 Times Dad was Left With the Kids
- Seems like dads do things a little different.
When Dressing up Doesn't Give You the Powers You Wanted
- This little kid in Phoenix, Arizona who dressed up as...
17-Year-Old Who Doesn't Know How to Burn Cds Makes...
- Teen outrages twitter when asking simple question...
Nanny Cam Footage Shows Mom Panicking During Home...
- A home invasion in Houston, Texas happened while the...
22 Pics To Remind You That Kids Are Truly The Weirdest
- The little humans are without a doubt the weirdest...
Mom's Ridiculous Tweet Gets Savaged by the Internet
- Mom makes a ridiculous post about her son. Son becomes...
Python Tries to Make Meal Out of Dog but Local Kids...
- Huge snake envelopes dog as local boys try and save...
Be Careful What Your Kids Are Watching On YouTube, WTF!
- This is the story of Johny Johny yes papa, the...
Horrible Adults Caught Acting Worse Than Children
- Try to watch this without punching your computer.
Permit Patty is on the Loose Asking Kids Where Their...
- She played these kids, not cool.
22 Kids Of The Cartel Flaunting Their Crazy Lifestyles
- The best drugs and golden guns money can buy!
18 Pics Anyone Who's Been In a Relationship Can Relate...
- Whether you are single, taken, or somewhere inbetween...
18 Pics That Hit Like A Ton Of Bricks
- Take a deep breath before looking at these.
21 Awesome Kids Who’ll Restore Your Faith In Humanity
- Proof that us adults need to more like children from...
Kids Return Wallet with $700 in It
- Faith in humanity restored.
Spiderman's Failure at Kid's Birthday is Hilarious and...
- Don't worry kids, he's just sleeping.
School Principal Gets Rekt After Questioning a Father...
- Mind ya' bidness lady.
16 Pics That'll Make You Say "Yup"
- Images and ideas that you'll be hard-pressed to argue.
eBaum's Picks