Crazy Rhubarb Lady Has No Shame
- A lady gets caught stealing rhubarb and goes nuts!
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40 Music Stars Before They Were Famous
- A look at some musicians in a time before they got...
Woman's Argument For 2nd Amendment
- A citizen passionately voices her opinion on gun...
A Sexual Assault Courtroom Cover-Up
- Poor lady is harassed and threatened with jail in a...
Lady Dancing At The Bus Stop
- It can be boring waiting for the bus, why not bust a...
Woman Possessed By Horny Ghost
- This lady should have used her bath salts in the tub...
Soup Of The Day
- Gordon Ramsay explains it to this thick headed woman...
Lady Gets Goofy When Camera Falls
- At least she kept it interesting.
Lady With A Goatee
- Dude looks like a lady...
91 Year Old Woman Realizes Her Dream
- A dream comes true for this elderly woman as she sings...
Romantic Sloth Offers Flower To A Lady
- This sloth has smooth moves!
Cop's Selfless Reaction To Save A Drowning Woman
- A Boston police officer leaps into freezing water to...
Lady Makes Obscene Gesture At Celtics Game
- Looks like someone's in the Holiday spirit!
Crazy Lady Interviewed
- I know that guy, he's seen my tits!
First Contact With New Technology
- Some people should really just stay home...
Lady Gaga Pukes On Stage
- So she finally heard her own music.
Lady Gaga's Bodyguard Takes Out Fan
- He should be taken out just for BEING a fan!
The 'Hug Lady' Hugs Every US Soldier
- Elizabeth Laird is the 'Hug Lady' at Forth Hood.
Bogus Beggar
- She's a PHONY, a big fat PHONY.
Fat Woman Slide Fail
- A fat lady falls down the steps and wipes out a bunch...
Lady Makes Out With Teen Boy
- 24 year old lady lured 15 year old into a tanning...
Vandalism With A Purpose
- Hilarious ways of vandalizing everyday things to make...
Pine-Sol Lady Terrorizes Customers
- Don't mess with the Pine-Sol.
Vacuum Fail
- Cleaning lady with a mechanical problem.
Fresh Billionaire Owns TV Reporter
- Kevin Systrom's reply on what he thinks about selling...
Lady Hits Old Timer Car While Speeding During TV Show
- Reckless driver.
Better Than Lady Gaga
- This guy
Gordon Ramsay Puts Obnoxious Customer in Her Place
- Anyone who's worked in the food industry has dealt...
Nintendo DS Keeps 100 Year Old Lady Sharp
- I'd tap that...Nintendo DS touch screen.
The Epic Chinese Lady Reporter
- I added the subtitles. You're welcome.
Aunt Chippy's Pissed Off Holiday Outtakes Is How We're...
- Make sure your supplies aren't all ass-ways.
Neighbors Flip Out and Go Nuts
- Nice camera work there buddy
Escalators Are Not Made For All
- Here's an example why
Possessed Woman Really Likes This Car...and Jesus
- What the hell man?
Lady Thwarts Home Invasion Through Her CCTV
- Talk about a play by play and a happy ending.
Gordon Ramsey: How to Treat a Lady
- Gordon gives us some pointers on how to treat a lady.
That's Amore!
- A husky and a mckaw re-enact a famous scene from Lady...
Prius Owner Yells at Guy For Having a Diesel Truck
- I would have revved up the engine and backed up to her...
Woman in Vegas Escorted Off The Plane
- Being loud, rude and especially ignorant will get you...
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