Man Crashes Car Into Lake, Tries to Use Bowl to Get...
- Spoiler alert: it didn’t work.
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Golf Swing Ends With Dad in a Lake
- A swing, a miss, and a sorely needed change of clothes.
UK Angler Bags World Record 67-Pound 'Goldfish'
- A British fisherman has caught one of the world's...
25 Facts That Might Blow Your Mind
- These facts might blow your mind, and the people's...
20 Fascinating and Frightening Pics of Bodies of Water
- If you're not terrified of the water, you might be...
Best Summer Camp Movies Ever
- Summer is right around the corner, so we've collected...
25 Scary Scientific Facts You Didn't Know
- Many of us take comfort from science. It gives us hope...
Dude Napping on Sandbar Mistaken for Dead Body
- And the award for best news headline goes to...
Florida Doesn't Care What You Think about It, Cletus...
- Florida is like the place you hear about in...
Fishing on Remote Calm Lake Becomes Hauntingly Eerie...
- Out in the middle of nowhere, it goes 0 to NOPE in 2...
The Sound of a Golf Ball on a Frozen Lake
- This might just be the best sound in the whole wide...
Brain Eating Amoeba Found In Lake Jackson Texas
- State officials are scrambling to find the source of a...
How'd That Get There? 13 Spooky Things Discovered at...
- You never know what lurks below the surface.
This is How Artificial Lakes Get Restocked With Fish
- A group of humanoid creatures, watch as their...
Salt Lake City SWAT Throw Elderly Man with a Cane to...
- Swat officers were called into downtown Salt Lake City...
Girl Finds Brilliant Way to Deal With Lakeside Karen
- Not today, Karen! Not today!
Dog's Reaction to Drinking Dirty Lake Water is Simply...
- Poor guy sounds like a bear or my grandpa coughing up...
Terrifying Fish Has The Face of a Human
- This rarely photographed specimen was recently spotted...
Diver Discovers Four Skeletons Sitting at a Table at...
- You never know what you'll find diving to the dark...
A Deep Dive Into the Bizarre "Lake City Quiet Pills"...
- YouTuber "Barely Sociable" dives into "Lake City Quiet...
Guy Throws a Chunk of Sodium Metal Into the River and...
- The chemical reaction when the sodium hits the water...
Guy Strapped a GoPro On a Turtle
- See the lake from this little guy's point of view.
U.S. Navy Flexes Muscles with Insane Weapons Testing...
- Here comes the BOOM!
Red Hot Anvil Vs. Frozen Lake
- Heaviest red hot something video ever! 110lbs red hot...
Dude Barely Making It out Alive After Driving into Ice...
- This guy was a dipshit from beginning to end.
Crazy Dude Freedives Under Ice Covered Lake
- Freediver Petr Kapoun swims under the surface of a...
Biker Rides on Frozen Lake and Falls Through the Ice
- This guy was lucky he didn't go in with the bike!
Watch This Crazy Dude Jump a Burning Car into a Frozen...
- These guys decided to try and jump a burning car from...
This Above Ground Wave Machine Looks Like Something...
- A new wave machine in Australia goes on a test run.
Jacked Jogger Throws Homeless Man's Possessions into...
- Jogger destroyed homeless person’s encampment and...
Gang Member Fatally Shot After Trying To Stab A...
- Newly released footage of the 2014 shooting of a...
City Councilman Uses Lies and Bullying to Keep People...
- Councilman Ed Sienkiewicz uses intimidation as well as...
What Does Severely Overestimating Your Abilities Look...
- A trip to the emergency room, that's what!
Man And Bear Surprise Each Other Near Lake Tahoe
- I'm not sure who got the bigger scare here!
Water Draining Off A Melting Lake
- Never saw that before!
Heroic Man Saves His Wife From The Bottom Of Frozen...
- This badass from Ottawa even broke the windshield by...
Russian Guy Jumps In Frozen Lake To Save A Dog
- This little guy couldn't swim back onto the ice ledge,...
Dad Lets His 8 Year Old Do Donuts On Frozen Lake
- What could happen? Parenting at it's finest right...
Dog Accidently Makes A Big Splash On The Waterslide
- Fido takes an unexpected ride and goes airborne!
DMCA - Flyboard Extinguishes Boat Fire On Lake
- Good thing he was there like a superhero!
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