23 Times People Got Caught in Absurd Lies
- Honesty may be the best policy, but it's not the only...
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They Tricked Us - How THese 21 'Little White Lies'...
- Sometimes a little deception is needed to get your...
19 Beliefs We Need to Ditch Because They Never Work
- For too long we've been following these insane...
False Truths People Somehow Still Believe
- As evident through our constant use of the phrase...
20 Historical Facts That Are Just Plain False
- So we've collected some well-known historical facts...
20 Common Facts That Are Total Nonsense
- We hear them all the time. Quips and factoids that...
Worker Trains Boss to Be on Time
- When the boss was consistently late to interviews,...
Amber Heard Accused of Plagiarizing Her Former...
- In 2016 Amber Heard accused Johnny Depp of domestic...
34 Liars Getting Called Out on The Internet
- People and members of the media who thought they were...
16 Historical Lies and Falsehoods People Still Believe
- The truth behind the biggest historical lies that are...
30 Secrets People Have Kept Their Entire Lives (Until...
- Some funny, some serious. Some deeply insane.
23 Sad Secrets That Could Destroy Lives
- Not all secrets are created equal.
21 Everyday Things That Are Totally and Completely a...
- Maybe it's a law or a practice that has been a...
15 White Lies Our Parents Made Us Believe Were Real
- One of parent's most important jobs is to protect...
24 Secrets People Can't Tell Their Loved Ones
- Stuff they've kept hidden for years.
15 Tricks Manufacturers Used to Fool Consumers
- Pretty devious!
15 People Who Were a Little Too Big for Their Britches
- Liar, liar, plants for hire.
This is How The Milk Industry Lied To The World
- We’re told that milk is important for a strong...
Lawyers Reveal the Worst Things Clients Tried to Keep...
- Much like doctors, there's a reason you shouldn't try...
Shopkeeper Turns the Tables on Old Lady Who Lied to...
- Liar liar, pants on fire!
Racist Karen Definitely Regrets Decision to Insult and...
- This is a perfect example of why it's best to just be...
Shady Family Caught Lying about a Hair in their Food
- Hoping for a free meal, multiple family members are...
Karen Tries to Get 'Waiter' Arrested for Assault, Gets...
- Clearly, Karen never counted on cameras recording...
Girl Coming Down From Sedation Learns Ugly Truth About...
- You can literally see the moment her whole world is...
Texts Messages from Someone Who Has Seen the...
- Do not believe the official numbers released by the...
22 Conspiracy Pics That Will Make You Question...
- Is the world run by a small group of power-hungry...
18 People Share The Funniest Lie They Ever Heard
- Kids are the most creative liars.
CIA Document Claims Life on Mars Was Observed in 1984
- Back in the 80's the CIA was conducting experiments...
ABC News’ Caught Faking Their ‘Slaughter in...
- ABC aired this footage on their 'World News Tonight'...
Anti-Vaxxer Trying to Spread Lies Online Gets Called...
- She got schooled by someone with multiple degrees on...
20 People Called Out For Lying To Get Attention Online
- There is a special kind of person who posts fake...
Instances Of Social Media Being Total Bulls**t
- Don't believe what you see.
25 People Who Are Totally Being 100% Honest About...
- Hide your families, or they too may fall victim to...
25 People Who Are Definitely, Totally Getting Laid
- Absolutely no lying going on here. Nope. None at all.
42 Pics that Prove the World is Full of Lies and...
- Some people take deceit to a form of art.
Scammer Fails Miserably At His One Job, Gets Trolled...
- This scammer tried his absolute hardest, using every...
30 People Who Need To Quit Their Bullsh*t
- They got called out for their lies.
Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis Post a Video Reaction To...
- What a wholesome way to deal with such a silly thing.
17 Flat Earth Proofs That Will Convert You
- Prepare to have your mind blown and reality shattered...
The Flat Earth Movie by Logan Paul is Here and Holy...
- Hyped since March 10th, Logan Paul's "long-awaited"...
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