19 Funny Tweets to Zone Out With
- You've made it to the weekend, it's time to celebrate...
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17 People Who Asked to Be Roasted and Got Scorched
- They got sent to the burn ward.
32 Weird Pics We Hope Remain a Mystery
- These just get weirder and weirder.
34 Late-Night Tweets to Rock You to Sleep
- Twitter is the gift that keeps on giving.
23 Savage Roasts and Brutal Insults That Rocked People...
- If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the comments.
Chinese Students Keep Getting Pissed On By Bugs
- Students in China keep getting peed on by cicadas.
38 Funny Tweets from This Week on Twitter
- Wrap up the week with a walk down Twitter lane.
27 Funny Memes That Speak the Truth
- Try as you might, you can't argue with these memes.
32 Funny Tweets That Hit Like a Glass of Water in the...
- Twitter knows how to make us laugh.
32 Examples of Perfectly Enacted Petty Revenge
- Life is all about choices. And if you want to live a...
22 Cursed Pics We Don't Have An Explanation For
- Your guess is as good as ours.
Transporting Rhinos Looks Incredibly Stupid
- Sometimes, people need to move rhinos. Don’t ask me...
23 People Who Got Roasted to a Crisp
- Be careful out there.
The 49 Funniest Tweets of the Week
- Funny tweets that hit like a cold glass of water in...
Is Water Wet? 33 People Who Asked Some Incredibly...
- If you're looking for proof that our public education...
29 Funny Bits of Dark Humor Most of Us Can Relate Too
- Life can't always be sunshine and rainbows.
24 Funny Pics That Will Make You Hold Up a Minute
- Not going to lie, they had us in the first half.
50 Funny Tweets From the Past Week
- A big batch of funny tweets from this week to laugh at...
28 Out Of the Box Solutions to Solve Common Problems
- Solve your biggest headache without creating a new one.
33 Universal Memes We Can All Relate To
- Get in here, we're laughing at relatable memes.
21 Funny Tweets to Waste Away With
- Tweets that hit differentIt's been a long week and I...
31 Cursed Pics to Get a Little Weird With It
- These will make you scratch you head
26 Brutal Comments That Hit It Out of the Park
- There are roasts, and then there are home runs.
36 Funny Tweets From Twitter This Week
- Twitter is the gift that keeps on giving. So sit back,...
28 Funny Youtube Comments That Nailed it
- You can always count on the comment section for a good...
22 of the Funniest Tweets From Tuesday, May 21, 2024
- Nothing in life is guaranteed, expect, death, taxes,...
Dude Waiting for the Bus Gets Mistaken for Homeless...
- Whenever you see one of those “good samaritan”...
Someone Was Watching Porn During the Mavs’ Post-Game...
- No one is saying that post-game press conferences are...
38 Relatable Memes That Riff On Universal Truths
- A collection of jokes that we can all get behind.
27 Funny Food Memes and Pics It's Okay to Play With
- We are here to tell you that it is okay to play with...
Seagull Impersonators Squawk It Out at the European...
- In case you were worried that the world was becoming...
Dude Trolls Self-Driving Car By Wearing a Stop Sign...
- According to the Elon Musks of the world, self-driving...
Somber Dude Couldn’t Be Less Impressed With Hibachi...
- When you go to a Japanese restaurant like Benihana...
34 Relatable Memes You'll Be Thinking About All Day...
- It might be hard to argue with these.
39 Funny Memes That Poke Fun at Universal Truths
- It's easy to assume that you're a special little...
20 Funny Tweets and Memes Spotted on Twitter
- Another roundup of all the best and funniest tweets we...
32 Cringe Lords Polluting Our Timelines
- No matter how dorky you are there is always some...
33 Fresh Memes That Exploit Universal Truths
- We might not all come from the same place or even...
Midday Meme Dump: 48 Fresh Pics and Memes For the...
- You've made it to the mid-point of the week, only two...
20 Hilarious Examples of Sports Face
- From shotput to tennis and even gymnastics, here are...
eBaum's Picks