Unhinged Girlfriend Sends Boyfriend's Beloved '67...
- She wanted him to move it so she could park there and...
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36 Cringe People Who Think They're Cool
- They probably think they're being rebellious or...
The 25 Most Insane Things Ever Developed In a Lab
- Here's an open secret: there is a fine line between...
Six Differences Between Apocalyptic Games and Our...
- One thing that Hollywood and game devs are fascinated...
Dude Accidentally Blocks Paparazzi Shot of Beyonce,...
- He doesn't even know it, but he's doing the Lord's...
Parents Outraged after Hot Mic Catches California...
- Some members of an Oakland School Board got caught...
Police Arrest Anti-Masker Karen for Trespassing
- She literally sounds like a toddler trapped inside in...
Compilation of Celebrities Being Annoyed with Paparazzi
- Being a celebrity is easy, but the one thing most...
Compilation of Celebrities Being Annoyed with Paparazzi
- Being a celebrity is easy, but the one thing most...
Wild Karen Doesn't Back Down From A Fight
- Miami driver pisses off a pedestrian Karen and all...
Little Boy Ready to Throw Hands Over Turkish Ice Cream...
- That is one angry little kid.
Watch Tears for Fears' Curt Smith Perform "Mad World"...
- Any Tears for Fears fans out there?
Flat Earther 'Mad Mike' Hughes Dies During Homemade...
- No one leaves the z "Flat Earth" alive!
More Karens Reacting to the Super Bowl Halftime Show
- The Super Bowl halftime show rubbed more than just...
"Mad Batter" Machine Just Barely Beats Record of...
- YouTube channel "SmarterEveryDay" sent a ball soaring...
Dude Displays Superior Chill Despite His Girlfriend's...
- We've all been there at some point, but few of us have...
Rhino's Strength On Full Display As It a Flips Car...
- It's unknown what caused this rhino at a safari park...
Even Without CGI Mad Max: Fury Road is Impressive as...
- George Miller's oscar-nominated film included...
Woman Breaks A Laptop Over Her Boyfriend's Head For...
- Last Sunday at Miami's international terminal, a woman...
28 Adorable Animals To Brighten Your Day
- Here are some fun and funny animals that will...
Valet Gets Caught Joyriding Lambo
- Dude has some words when he sees the top down on his...
"Tough Guys" Assault a Security Guard then Scatter...
- Two men pick a fight with a restaurant's security...
Guy Has An Amazing Road Rage Incident On Bad Driving...
- When an old man starts yelling at you, that's when you...
Guy Gets Mad At Other Guy For Interrupting His Public...
- Guy freaks the f out when people are being just as...
26 Stupid Reasons Couples Got Into a Fight
- Sometimes the littlest thing can cause a relationship...
Craziest Person Of The Year Candidate Going Insane on...
- This woman is going mental and no one knows why cause...
This Guys Girlfriend Is About To Kill Him
- Well, in fairness he didn't know she was MAD mad, ya...
Woman Breaks down at McDonald's Because She Can't Get...
- This lady at a San Francisco area McDonald's goes...
Woman Kicks Over Boxes After Being Misgendered at...
- After allegedly being called "sir" and unhinged woman...
26 Times Humanity Died
- These people turned their back on common decency and...
Contractor Gets Revenge After Being Fired on the Job
- Proof that you should always fire someone when they...
Lady Freaking Out Over a Chicken Sandwich is America
- There was an altercation between multiple customers...
Lady Gets Back at Impatient Person in the Best Way
- A woman in line at a Starbucks drive-through in...
Real Marine Loses His Sh*t When He Spots A Fake...
- Stolen Valor and a donation scam? Not on this guy's...
The Father of Three of Larry Nassar's Victims Lunges...
- After asking the judge for 5 minutes alone with Nassar...
American TV Court Has Been Doing It All Wrong...
- A hilarious segment where Judge Rinder takes on "The...
15 People Admit The Dumbest Reasons Someone Got Mad At...
- We all get irrationally angry sometimes but these...
Guy's Crazy Ex Girlfriend Destroys The Wrong Car
- The look on her face is priceless.
Angry High Schooler Throws His Lunch Tray At The...
- Fed up with being underfed, this hungry fella lays the...
Comedian John Caparulo Gets Attacked By Angry Trump...
- A joke about Donald Trump sent one supporter over the...
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