‘It Becomes a Bomb’: Company Refuses to Issue...
- Investigators say some airbags that are supposed to...
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24 Fascinating Facts about 'Breaking Bad' That The DEA...
- TV snobs rarely agree on ANYTHING. But one thing...
25 Facts You Didn’t Know About Stan Lee
- Stan Lee's presence is still all around us. Here are...
The Moment This Guy Won 3 Million Dollars
- This Brazilian man bet 100,000 dollars on roulette and...
Man Awarded Million Dollar Settlement After His Wife...
- Keith King was awarded millions in damages after his...
Dana White Gets Banned From Casino After Winning...
- Funny how they don't mind if you lose your house to...
Brazilian Carnival 2014
- Amazing sights from Brazil's Carnival!
Furniture Store Loses Millions
- The Store promised refunds if Seahawks won, lost $7...
Roger Millions Says Cocksucker on Live TV
- What a funny blooper, he was doing so well.
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