14 Cautionary Tales About Homophones
- Please refrain from making "homophonaphobic" jokes in...
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14 Embarrassingly Wrong Words
- You can't blame everything on auto-correct.
Reporter: "I So Pale"
- This reporter doesn't realize she's on-air when...
Fox News Reporter Stumps Ferguson Protester
- A simple question leaves this protester stumbling to...
25 Ridiculous Headlines From 2014
- Some of the most insane headlines from 2014.
Surprised Mom Gets Exciting News!
- Think she's excited?
Dog Interrupts Live Weather Report
- He always wanted to be on TV, and this was his chance!
Reporter Gets Shot At During Interview
- Gun shots ring out during an interview on the street.
The Problem With Using Skype on Live TV
- I think there is something behind you.
Ferguson Reporter Hit By Rock On Live TV
- Sara Sidner is hit in the head by a rock while...
Police Chief Tells It Like It Is
- Milwaukee Chief of Police, Edward Flynn answers some...
Reporters Gets Nailed By Skateboard
- A flying skateboard smacks this reporter right in the...
Reporter Gets Car Jacked At Gunpoint On Air
- After a bizarre confession, this man pulls a gun, then...
News Anchor Awkwardly Dances On Camera
- His Co-anchor doesn't seem to be impressed.
Little Kid Steals The Show During The Weather Forecast
- A second grader owns it doing the weather on a Chicago...
The Easiest Way To Avoid Ebola
- The answer is so simple, and so obvious...
Massive Gold Nugget Unearthed
- Found in the foothills of Butte County in Northern...
An Awkward Thug Life Moment
- A female reporter destroys her co-worker.
Restaurant Owner Talks Dirty To Reporter
- The owner flirts with the reporter by dropping some...
Restaurant Owner Talks Dirty To Reporter
- The owner flirts with the reporter by dropping some...
34 Funny Failed News Stories
- Even the news has its bad days.
34 Funny Failed News Stories
- Even the news has its bad days.
Darwin Award Winner Highlights
- Big congratulations go out to these people who left...
Anchor Doesn't Know His Feed Is Still Live
- He drops some F-bombs on air and starts belittling...
This Is Fox News
- 18 Fox News photos that just don't seem right.
This Is Fox News
- 18 Fox News photos that just don't seem right.
Alaskan Reporter Explains Why She Quit
- Regardless of your stance on the issue, you have to...
The Interview Must Go On
- An accident happens in the background and this guy...
Mike Tyson Owns A Reporter On Live TV
- Mike gets upset after being called a "convicted...
What The Media Is Doing Behind Closed Doors
- Who decides what government decides that the media...
What The Media Is Doing Behind Closed Doors
- Who decides what government decides that the media...
19 People Caught Believing Onion Articles
- These people will be so embarrassed if they ever...
Man Drops The F-bomb During Live Interview
- A Napa Valley local lets one slip when interviewed...
News Helicopter Discovers "Hulk" Statue
- The reporters get distracted during a live storm...
News Caught Trying To Make Kid Sound Gangster
- This station edits out the part of him saying "I want...
News Caught Trying To Make Kid Sound Gangster
- This station edits out the part of him saying "I want...
Spider Videobombs News Broadcast
- A big spider makes an appearance during BBC Scotlands...
Pilot And Air Traffic Controller Get Into It
- Settle down, Captain Happy.
34 Of The Best Of Videobombs
- GIFs of hilarious videobombs from sports and news...
Friendship Between A Toddler And WWII Vet
- An unlikely friendship forms between an adorable...
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