Since Everyone's Talking About Mr. Rogers, Remember...
- Fred Rogers was a beloved children's icon for many...
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Man Caught Having Sex With A Bicycle
- CCTV catches a tire slasher in an unusual act...
Lie Witness News - Bieber Fans
- The Jimmy Kimmel Show interviews some gullible Justin...
Camerman Finds Suspect Before Cops
- He is spotted by the suspect and fired at!
Man High On Mushrooms Rips Off Penis
- Drugs are bad, mmmmmmkay.
Field Reporter Drops The F-Bomb
- The look on the anchors face in the studio is...
Mom Tases 10 Year Old Daughter
- She wasn't happy with how her oatmeal was prepared...
News Anchor Slip Up
- I pledge allegiance to the what?
Guide Dog Saves Trainers
- An elderly woman loses control of her car and almost...
Waking Up From Surgery Without A Nose
- This poor guy is suffering from the result of total...
Man Becomes Victim Of "Catfishing"
- A man dates an imaginary woman online for almost a...
UFO & Alien Disclosure
- Paul Hellyer testifies of four known alien races...
Magic Trick Scares Reporter On Live TV
- Reporter freaks out over unexpected trick.
News Crew Attacked During Interview
- A woman throws a rock and sends in the dogs to attack!
Students Suspended Over Nerf Guns
- A teacher even approved them bringing in the toys!
Video Exposes Disabled Tour Guide Scam
- "Disabled" scammers helping the rich skip to the front...
Blooper: A Little Bit Of A Tongue What?
- A reporter gets a little tongue-tied during a live...
Derailed Train Explodes in Baltimore County
- The fiery explosion is captured with a cellphone.
Reporter Knocks Man Into Water
- Is this story "all washed up", or will it be "hung out...
People Smoking Booze?
- One doctor says it is just another dangerous fad.
Just Call The Police Baby!
- A man rides on the hood of the truck that hit him.
Kasey The Helper Monkey
- Ned Sullivan and his "helping hand", Kasey the Monkey.
Contest Closed
Photoshop Contest #76 / 0 Submissions
- Photoshop Pro Golfer Sergio Garcia And Win!
Woman Who's Home Was Destroyed by a Tornado Finds Her...
- A touching moment when her dog is found during a live...
Pregnant Woman Tasered By Police
- A pregnant woman is hit with a taser outside a Best...
Tenacious D Does The Weather
- Jack Black and Kyle do the weather report on...
Internet Celebrity Wanted For Murder
- Authorities are searching for Kai and say he is armed...
Deer Crashes Through Bus Windshield
- A deer tries to get a free ride on the bus.
The Daily Show Calls Out CNN
- Two reporters are caught in the same parking lot...
Weatherman Loses His Composure
- He's been waiting his whole life to use that joke.
Charles Ramsey's Epic News Interview
- Sometimes the interview is just as great as the story!
Reporter's Hilarious Freudian Slip
- Well it's obvious what she has been thinking about...
Professional Typer of the Day
- Such speed, such accuracy, such skill!
High On The Job
- I'm like freaking out man!
Lie Witness News - Coachella 2013
- Who doesn't like Shorty Jizzle And The Plumber Crocs?
Meteor Lights Up An Argentinian Concert
- A light show courtesy of space!
Anchor's First Day Couldn't Be Any Worse
- On top of his stammering he drops the F-bomb on live...
News Anchors Rip On Ryan Lochte
- Ryan Lochte's stupidity makes a news anchor cry with...
Cop Pulls Gun At McDonald's Drive-Thru
- A cop tries to manually move along the drive through...
Toronto Mayor Gets A Face Full Of Camera
- Talk about getting up close and personal!
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