Chinese Women Takes Her Pants Off to Fight Cops
- I guess she thought she could get away with it. Notice...
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Gas Station Women Brawl
- Fight club: black women style.
UFC Fighter With Metal Hands
- This seems perfectly fair to me
Hillary Clinton Falls Boarding a Plane
- She had a great trip to Yemen, then shattered her...
Man With Golden Voice Arrested
- Ted Williams career can only go down hill from here
Car Catches Fire On Live TV
- CNN reporting dangerous icy intersections capture this...
Standoff Suspect Wants Ganja
- The only thing you're getting pal, is your shit pushed...
Unlikely Friendships, Lion, Tiger and Bear
- Three wild animals rescued from a drug dealer's home...
Extreme Couponing
- watch this woman's $230 bill diminish with her wise...
News Cameraman Gets Attacked
Weatherwoman Sexual Inneundo
- Stephanie Abrams from the weather channel talking...
Pittsburgh Man's House Demolished by Mistake
- A Pittsburgh man says he returned to his home after...
Dog Dodges Traffic In Philly
- A female German Shepherd decides to disrupt traffic on...
Cops Shoot Handicapped Homeless Dood
- Cops in San Francisco respond to a crazy hobo slashing...
How Not To Load Your New Motorcycle
- That sucks.
Homeless Man with Amazing Voice One Day Later
- Yesterday the internet met Ted Williams, the homeless...
Superhero Actually Stops Crime
- He's not like the usual moron who's watched too many...
Kitten Confused by Mirror
- This adorable kitten is scared of its own reflection
Start of the End of the World
- 2012 may be coming a little early.
Intercepting Pizza-Hut Calls
- These people intercept incoming calls to pizza hut and...
New World Record For Quarters In Belly Button
- A bet this will get him all the girls
Sex in Class While Teacher Does Nothing
- A Southern California middle school is the target of...
Homemade Luge Track
- umm... Homemade Luge Track.
Police Shootout at Enon Beach
- This is a video from WDTN 2 News of a Shootout at Enon...
Fat Women Wants Too Get Fatter
- Idk wtf kilos are but damn that's enough food too feed...
Helicopter Crashes Into Lake...Then Flys Back Out!
- Helicopter narrowly crashes while try to take pictures...
Amazing Skills With a Finger Board
- Dude's pretty good
News Chopper Blows Calf to Safety
- Now it can grow up to be a delicious T-Bone steak or...
Idiot Reporter
- That microphone is coming out of her paycheck.
Most Obnoxious Kid Of All Time
- This kid or one just like him will probably grow up to...
It's A Tough Job, But Someone Has To Do It
- a baker will pick the occasional cherry off a pie...
Bill Hick's Famous Bit: "It's Just A Ride"
- With all the upheaval in the U.S. right now, it's...
Indian Rocket Explodes Carrying Comms Satellite
- GSLV GSAT-5P Launch failed and explodes in Mid Air on...
Man Jumps From Romanian Parliament Balcony As Protest
- Someone forget to drink their redbull.
Cute Kid Embarrasses Himself
- His first fail :'. They grow up so quick
Losing $800,000
- I love how everyone cheer's when he moves the money...
High School Football 'Dead Man' Trick Play
- helps lead team to the Texas state title!
Kid Ruins Christmas Tree
- Crazy kid tries to be the cool guy.
British Teenager Fired For Facebook Post
- She mentioned on her status that "she was bored at...
Douche Bag Jumps Off of Curb
- Emo kid smokes Mr.NiceGuy and thinks he is on a cliff.
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