Ninja Vigilantes
- Two dorks who think they're ninjas take on drug...
Media All
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- Think your computer's files and folders are secure and...
The Truth About Amsterdam
- Anti cannabis journalists get owned
7 Year Old Leads Cops On Low Speed Chase
- How the hell do his parents not notice their car and...
Guy Flirting on the News
- Guy uses his platform to hit on the hot reporter
Bill O'Reilly Gets Owned by Teenager
- Bill-o going on about drugs then interview's a...
Andrew W.K. Does the Weather
- Fox liked the red eye interview so much they asked...
Dallas High Speed Car Chase
- Dallas High Speed Car Chase June 29 2009
Amazing Plastic Surgery
I Fed My Kids Meth!
- WTF?
Courtroom Tazing
- this guy loses it on the attorney. I wouldn't want to...
Humanity at its Finest - Linda Hamilton
- After person after person in this video made it slip a...
Is This a Dry Humping Festival?
- A couple get frisky at a Blur concert, exhibiting the...
Andrew W.K. on Red Eye
- Andrew WK Owns Fox News
Man Charged 23 Quadrillion Dollars for a Pack of...
- The lady at the bank is probably blonde for making...
Auto Tune the News
- Auto Tune does wonders, even for the news!
14 Year Old Girl Tasered In The Head
- When this 14 year old girl did not stop, she was...
500,000 Volt Disconect. Amazing!!!
- A current so strong it passes through air in a form...
Horrific Police Crash
- Cop had guy pulled over then....
Michael Jackson Face Found In Tree Stump
- Ok, too many people are going too far...
Valley-Carver Brawl
- This video is a fight between two sorry ass Alabama...
Ducklings Dive Off 2nd Story Ledge
- Bank employees once again caught ducklings after they...
Cops Making Out
- A police chief and an officer are in some trouble...
Fines for Swearing in Public
- People in Canada getting fined for swearing and...
Teens Selling Sex On Craigslist
- Prostitution is slowly leaving the streets and getting...
Mexican Jumping Beans
- Is There Anything From Mexico That Doesn't Have Worms...
Freaky Clouds
- Some freaky looking nipple clouds had New Yorkers in...
Lindsay Lohan's eHarmony Profile
- Lindsay Lohan is newly single and ready to mingle!
Man Calls 911 Over Fast Food
- Some retard calls 911 over a burger, fries and 8 bucks.
Anderson Cooper Goes Shopping For Weed
- You Can Tell This Isn't His Normal Routine... Or Is...
Lawyer Asleep In Trash Can
- A lawyer is resigning after photos of him sleeping in...
Cop Harrasses Teen For Sagging Pants Then Choke Slaps...
- Cop harasses teen for having his pants low down. This...
Michael Jackson Dead
- A EBW tribute to the King of Pop. Reports are just...
Nutty and Tony
- The ultimate relationship between man and squirrel.
Was That a Bear?
- This is one of the most ridiculous news reports you...
Couple Gets Flamable Tap Water
- in their home.
Shoplifting Family
- Family uses their young daughters to steal from...
San Francisco Made From Toothpicks
- Kind Of Neat, But That Guy Has Problems.
Sky Diver Fall
- Sky divers chute fails to open sending him plummeting...
Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis
- Zach interviews Jon Hamm of AMC's Mad Men.
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